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The Pre-Spanish Period

Historical Background

     Long before the Spaniards and other foreigners landed or set foot on Philippine shores, our forefathers already had their own literature stamped in the history of our race.
Our ancient literature shows our customs and traditions in everyday life as traced in our folk stories, old plays and short stories.
     Our ancestors also had their own alphabet which was different from that brought by the Spaniards. The first alphabet used by our ancestor was similar to that of the Malayo-Polynesian alphabet.
Why certain things existed in their physical environment must have intrigued the ancient Filipinos as it did other early peoples. In their effort to define their world, to account for the realities in it, and to explain their feelings, beliefs, and judgments, they made up interesting narratives. These have come down to us in the form of origin myths, legends, fables, tales of the supernatural, and humorous accounts about some trickster, like Pusong or Pilandok, or some bungling character who got by in spite of or because of his lack of wit.
And there were also metrical accounts of native Filipino gods and their deeds. Songs and verses filled early religious practices: to express devotion, to atone for sins, to minister to the sick, and to bury the dead.Verses were composed also to pray for abundance and happiness: in the home, on the farm, on the sea, and elsewhere. In like manner, verses aired love for and loyalty to the barangay and its rulers. These were supplemented by accounts of battle (kudanag), songs of victory (tagumpay, talindad), songs of hanging a captured enemy (sambotan, tagulaylay), and songs expressive of manliness. From the people’s social life evolved.
     But whatever records our ancestors left were either burned by the Spanish friars in the belief that they were works of the devil or were written on materials that easily perished, like the barks of trees, dried leaves and bamboo cylinders which could not have remained undestroyed even if efforts were made to preserve them.
     Other records that remained showed folk songs that proved the existence of a native culture truly our own. Some of these were passed on by word of mouth until they reached the hands of some publishers or printers who took interest in printing the manuscripts of the ancient Filipinos.
Although attempts have been made to compile these folk narratives by such collectors as Fr. Jose Ma. Pavon (Las antiguas leyendas de la isla de Negros) during the Spanish period Fay-Cooper Cole (Traditions of the Tinguian, 1915), Mable Cook Cole (Philippine Folk Tales, 1916), and Dean S. Fansler (Filipino Popular Tales, 1921) during the early part of the American regime, and some Filipino and American antropologists and folklorists in more recent times, many of the theme still remain in the memory of the folk, uncollected and unwritten.


Mythology is an interwoven series of myths told by a given race. The word also means the study of myths in general.

Classifications of Mythology:

1) Myth: an account of the deeds of a god or of a supernatural being; a kind of imaginative precursor of scientific investigation.
- are permanent, they deal with the greatest of all problems – the problems which do not change because men and women do not change. They deal with love (the romantic element), war, sin, tyranny, courage, and faith; all in the same way in relation to man.

2) Legend: a widely-accepted but unverified story of the origin of things, persons or

Myths and legends deal largely with gods, their deeds, adventures, dealing with supernatural beings and culture heroes with origins and explanation of things and phenomena in the surrounding world.

3) Folktale: Pure fiction that seems to have no other origin than a desire to amuse and
- bring knowledge and understanding of men’s motives and tolerance that recognizes faith where ignorance would only see superstition. It is especially necessary to have this knowledge now when modern science and invention have brought the world into a closer community of nations.
- widely disseminated through all places in the world might bring to reality what we all bring about our world.
- The folktales are shaped by the thoughts and the actions, the aspirations and fears of a people. Often the outline of a story and sometimes even the characters are common to several characters (epic and folklore).

Why Myths are Studied

We study myths for at least 5 reasons:

1) They have had such a deep influence on all great literatures.
2) The great writers in the English language have been fascinated by the stories that these ancient people told.
3) We can hardly understand Shakespeare or Milton or Keats or Lowell without being familiar with the myths of Greece and Rome.
4) They also provide modern drama with themes and spectacles.
5) Mythology is an important link to the past.

Philosophical Bases of Mythology

1) Scriptural Theory, according to which , all stories of myths and legends are derived
from the Scriptures, though the real facts and names have been disguised and
altered. (e.g. Deucalion is Noah, Hercules is Samson, Arion is Jonah, etc.)

2) Historical Theory, according to which, all the persons mentioned in mythology were
once real human beings, and the legends and fabulous traditions relating to them are
merely the additions and embellishments of later times.
(e.g. Aeolus, king of the Winds, was ruler of some islands in the Tyrrhenian Sea;
Cadmus, who sowed the earth w/ dragons’ teeth)

3) Allegorical Theory, supposes that the ancient Greek myths were allegorical and
symbolical, and contained some moral, religious, or philosophical truth or historical
fact, under the form of an allegory, but came in the process of time to be understood
(e.g. Saturn or Cronus—Time; Io is the moon and Argus is the starry sky)

4) Physical Theory, according to which the elements of air, fire, and water were
originally the objects of religious adoration and the principal deities were
personifications of the powers of nature. The transition was easy from a
personification of the elements to the notion of supernatural beings presiding over
and governing the different objects of nature.


From all over the world there is a demand today for unity and understanding.

A knowledge of a nation’s folklore is a knowledge of the creative workings of the mind of its folk; it is a key to a nation’s values, a path that leads into the heart of its people.

Folklore – oral literature of the people usually found among the masses. It includes traditions, customs, fairytales, ballads, songs, accounts of ancient festivals, games, superstitions, beliefs, proverbs, popular sayings, nicknames (e.g., Juan Tamad), nursery rhymes, riddles, and jingles of every sort.

Literature is expressed in many forms, and are preserved in the memory of local bards and old folks and handed down by word of mouth.

Oral or written literature is one of the means through which people express the inner quality and strength of their culture.

Nevertheless, both types of creative endeavors (the oral and written) embody the fullness and grandeur of the culture which nurtures them. In other words, the relationship between literature and society is far from indirect and subtle. Every society produces its own literature because it is through this medium that its heritage is preserved and its ideals and aspirations given form and meaning. Thus when (any form of) literature is studied it can provide a penetrating picture of group life. This is further substantiated by the fact that literary expression in whatever form it exists draws materials from the experience of its creators.


Pre-Spanish Literature is characterized by:
A. Legends
B. Folk tales
C. Epics
D. Folk songs
E. Epigrams, riddles, chants
F. Proverbs and Sayings

Its aim is to entertain. Here is an example of a legend:


1. How the World Was Made.
2. The Creation (Igorot).
3. How the Moon and the Stars Came to Be (Bukidnon).
4. Origin (Bagobo).
5. The Story of the Creation (Bilaan).
6. In the Beginning (Bilaan).
7. The Children of the Limokon (Mandaya).
8. The Creation Story (Tagalog).
How the World Was Made

     This is the ancient Filipino account of the creation.
Thousands of years ago there was no land nor sun nor moon nor stars, and the world was only a great sea of water, above which stretched the sky. The water was the kingdom of the god Maguayan, and the sky was ruled by the great god Captan.
Maguayan had a daughter called Lidagat, the sea, and Captan had a son known as Lihangin, the wind. The gods agreed to the marriage of their children, so the sea became the bride of the wind.
Three sons and a daughter were born to them. The sons were called Licalibutan, Liadlao, and Libulan; and the daughter received the name of Lisuga.
Licalibutan had a body of rock and was strong and brave; Liadlao was formed of gold and was always happy; Libulan was made of copper and was weak and timid; and the beautiful Lisuga had a body of pure silver and was sweet and gentle. Their parents were very fond of them, and nothing was wanting to make them happy.
After a time Lihangin died and left the control of the winds to his eldest son Licalibutan. The faithful wife Lidagat soon followed her husband, and the children, now grown up, were left without father or mother. However, their grandfathers, Captan and Maguayan, took care of them and guarded them from all evil.
After a time, Licalibutan, proud of his power over the winds, resolved to gain more power, and asked his brothers to join him in an attack on Captan in the sky above. At first they refused; but when Licalibutan became angry with them, the amiable Liadlao, not wishing to offend his brother, agreed to help. Then together they induced the timid Libulan to join in the plan.
When all was ready the three brothers rushed at the sky, but they could not beat down the gates of steel that guarded the entrance. Then Licalibutan let loose the strongest winds and blew the bars in every direction. The brothers rushed into the opening, but were met by the angry god Captan. So terrible did he look that they turned and ran in terror; but Captan, furious at the destruction of his gates, sent three bolts of lightning after them.
The first struck the copper Libulan and melted him into a ball. The second struck the golden Liadlao, and he too was melted. The third bolt struck Licalibutan, and his rocky body broke into many pieces and fell into the sea. So huge was he that parts of his body stuck out above the water and became what is known as land.
In the meantime the gentle Lisuga had missed her brothers and started to look for them. She went toward the sky, but as she approached the broken gates, Captan, blind with anger, struck her too with lightning, and her silver body broke into thousands of pieces.
Captan then came down from the sky and tore the sea apart, calling on Maguayan to come to him and accusing him of ordering the attack on the sky. Soon Maguayan appeared and answered that he knew nothing of the plot as he had been asleep far down in the sea.
After a time he succeeded in calming the angry Captan. Together they wept at the loss of their grandchildren, especially the gentle and beautiful Lisuga; but with all their power they could not restore the dead to life. However, they gave to each body a beautiful light that will shine forever.
And so it was that golden Liadlao became the sun, and copper Libulan the moon, while the thousands of pieces of silver Lisuga shine as the stars of heaven. To wicked Licalibutan the gods gave no light, but resolved to make his body support a new race of people. So Captan gave Maguayan a seed, and he planted it on the land, which, as you will remember, was part of Licalibutan's huge body.
Soon a bamboo tree grew up, and from the hollow of one of its branches a man and a woman came out. The man's name was Sicalac, and the woman was called Sicabay. They were the parents of the human race. Their first child was a son whom they called Libo; afterwards they had a daughter who was known as Saman. Pandaguan was a younger son and he had a son called Arion.
Pandaguan was very clever and invented a trap to catch fish. The very first thing he caught was a huge shark. When he brought it to land, it looked so great and fierce that he thought it was surely a god, and he at once ordered his people to worship it. Soon all gathered around and began to sing and pray to the shark. Suddenly the sky and sea opened, and the gods came out and ordered Pandaguan to throw the shark back into the sea and to worship none but them.
All were afraid except Pandaguan. He grew very bold and answered that the shark was as big as the gods, and that since he had been able to overpower it he would also be able to conquer the gods. Then Captan, hearing this, struck Pandaguan with a small thunderbolt, for he did not wish to kill him but merely to teach him a lesson. Then he and Maguayan decided to punish these people by scattering them over the earth, so they carried some to one land and some to another. Many children were afterwards born, and thus the earth became inhabited in all parts.
Pandaguan did not die. After lying on the ground for thirty days he regained his strength, but his body was blackened from the lightning, and all his descendants ever since that day have been black.
His first son, Arion, was taken north, but as he had been born before his father's punishment he did not lose his color, and all his people therefore are white.
Libo and Saman were carried south, where the hot sun scorched their bodies and caused all their descendants to be of a brown color.
A son of Saman and a daughter of Sicalac were carried east, where the land at first was so lacking in food that they were compelled to eat clay. On this account their children and their children's children have always been yellow in color.
And so the world came to be made and peopled. The sun and moon shine in the sky, and the beautiful stars light up the night. All over the land, on the body of the envious Licalibutan, the children of' Sicalac and Sicabay have grown great in numbers. May they live forever in peace and brotherly love!
• Source: John Maurice Miller, Philippine Folklore Stories (Boston: Ginn and Company, 1904), pp. 57-64.
• Preface by John Maurice Miller (or his editor): As these stories are only legends that have been handed down from remote times, the teacher must impress upon the minds of the children that they are myths and are not to be given credence; otherwise the imaginative minds of the native children would accept them as truth, and trouble would be caused that might be hard to remedy. Explain then the fiction and show the children the folly of belief in such fanciful tales. (page 5)
The Creation
     In the beginning there were no people on the earth.
Lumawig, the Great Spirit, came down from the sky and cut many reeds. He divided these into pairs which he placed in different parts of the world, and then he said to them, "You must speak."
Immediately the reeds became people, and in each place was a man and a woman who could talk, but the language of each couple differed from that of the others.
Then Lumawig commanded each man and woman to marry, which they did. By and by there were many children, all speaking the same language as their parents. These, in turn, married and had many children. In this way there came to be many people on the earth.
Now Lumawig saw that there were several things which the people on the earth needed to use, so he set to work to supply them. He created salt, and told the inhabitants of one place to boil it down and sell it to their neighbors. But these people could not understand the directions of the Great Spirit, and the next time he visited them, they had not touched the salt.
Then he took it away from them and gave it to the people of a place called Mayinit. These did as he directed, and because of this he told them that they should always be owners of the salt, and that the other peoples must buy of them.
Then Lumawig went to the people of Bontoc and told them to get clay and make pots. They got the clay, but they did not understand the molding, and the jars were not well shaped. Because of their failure, Lumawig told them that they would always have to buy their jars, and he removed the pottery to Samoki. When he told the people there what to do, they did just as he said, and their jars were well shaped and beautiful. Then the Great Spirit saw that they were fit owners of the pottery, and he told them that they should always make many jars to sell.
In this way Lumawig taught the people and brought to them all the things which they now have.
• Source: Mabel Cook Cole, Philippine Folk Tales (Chicago: A. C. McClurg and Company, 1916), pp. 99-101.
• Notes by Mabel Cook Cole:
1. Lumawig is the greatest of all spirits and now lives in the sky, though for a time his home was in the Igorot village of Bontoc. He married a Bontoc girl, and the stones of their house are still to be seen in the village. It was Lumawig who created the Igorot, and ever since he has taken a great interest in them, teaching them how to overcome the forces of nature, how to plant, to reap and, in fact, everything that they know. Once each month a ceremony is held in his honor in a sacred grove, whose trees are believed to have sprung from the graves of his children. Here prayers are offered for health, good crops, and success in battle. A close resemblance exists between Lumawig of the Igorot and Kaboniyan of the Tinguian, the former being sometimes called Kambun'yan.
2. The Bukidnon of Mindanao have the following story: During a great drought Mampolompon could grow nothing on his clearing except one bamboo, and during a high wind this was broken. From this bamboo came a dog and a woman, who were the ancestors of the Moro.
3. At the north end of the village of Mayinit are a number of brackish hot springs, and from these the people secure the salt which has made the spot famous for miles around. Stones are placed in the shallow streams flowing from these springs, and when they have become encrusted with salt (about once a month) they are washed and the water is evaporated by boiling. The salt, which is then a thick paste, is formed into cakes and baked near the fire for about half an hour, when it is ready for use. It is the only salt in this section, and is in great demand. Even hostile tribes come to a hill overlooking the town and call down, then deposit whatever they have for trade and withdraw, while the Igorot take up the salt and leave it in place of the trade articles.
4. The women of Samoki are known as excellent potters, and their ware is used over a wide area. From a pit on a hillside to the north of the village they dig a reddish-brown clay, which they mix with a bluish mineral gathered on another hillside. When thoroughly mixed, this clay is placed on a board on the ground, and the potter, kneeling before it, begins her molding. Great patience and skill are required to bring the vessel to the desired shape. When it is completed it is set in the sun to dry for two or three days, after which it is ready for the baking. The new pots are piled tier above tier on the ground and blanketed with grass tied into bundles. Then pine bark is burned beneath and around the pile for about an hour, when the ware is sufficiently fired. It is then glazed with resin and is ready to market.
How the Moon and the Stars Came to Be
Bukidnon (Mindanao)
     One day in the times when the sky was close to the ground a spinster went out to pound rice. Before she began her work, she took off the beads from around her neck and the comb from her hair, and hung them on the sky, which at that time looked like coral rock.
Then she began working, and each time that she raised her pestle into the air it struck the sky. For some time she pounded the rice, and then she raised the pestle so high that it struck the sky very hard.
Immediately the sky began to rise, and it went up so far that she lost her ornaments. Never did they come down, for the comb became the moon and the beads are the stars that are scattered about.
• Source: Mabel Cook Cole, Philippine Folk Tales (Chicago: A. C. McClurg and Company, 1916), p. 124.
• Notes by Mabel Cook Cole:
1. The common way to pound rice is to place a bundle of the grain on the ground on a dried carabao hide and pound it with a pestle to loosen the heads from the straw. When they are free they are poured into a mortar and again pounded with the pestle until the grain is separated from the chaff, after which it is winnowed.
2. According to the Klemantin myth (Borneo), the sky was raised when a giant named Usai accidentally struck it with his mallet while pounding rice. See Hose and McDougall, Pagan Tribes of Borneo, p. 142.
Bagobo (Mindanao)
     In the beginning there lived one man and one woman, Toglai and Toglibon. Their first children were a boy and a girl. When they were old enough, the boy and the girl went far away across the waters seeking a good place to live in. Nothing more was heard of them until their children, the Spaniards and Americans, came back. After the first boy and girl left, other children were born to the couple; but they all remained at Cibolan on Mount Apo with their parents, until Toglai and Toglibon died and became spirits. Soon after that there came a great drought which lasted for three years. All the waters dried up, so that there were no rivers, and no plants could live.
"Surely," said the people, "Manama is punishing us, and we must go elsewhere to find food and a place to dwell in."
So they started out. Two went in the direction of the sunset, carrying with them stones from Cibolan River. After a long journey they reached a place where were broad fields of cogon grass and an abundance of water, and there they made their home. Their children still live in that place and are called Magindanau, because of the stones which the couple carried when they left Cibolan.
Two children of Toglai and Toglibon went to the south, seeking a home, and they carried with them women's baskets (baraan). When they found a good spot, they settled down. Their descendants, still dwelling at that place, are called Baraan or Bilaan, because of the women's baskets.
So two by two the children of the first couple left the land of their birth. In the place where each settled a new people developed, and thus it came about that all the tribes in the world received their names from things that the people carried out of Cibolan, or from the places where they settled.
All the children left Mount Apo save two (a boy and a girl), whom hunger and thirst had made too weak to travel. One day when they were about to die the boy crawled out to the field to see if there was one living thing, and to his surprise he found a stalk of sugarcane growing lustily. He eagerly cut it, and enough water came out to refresh him and his sister until the rains came. Because of this, their children are called Bagobo.
• Source: Mabel Cook Cole, Philippine Folk Tales (Chicago: A. C. McClurg and Company, 1916), pp. 133-134.
• Note by Mabel Cook Cole:
o This is a good example of the way in which people at a certain stage try to account for their surroundings. Nearly all consider themselves the original people. We find the Bagobo no exception to this. In this tale, which is evidently very old, they account for themselves and their neighbors, and then, to meet present needs, they adapt the story to include the white people whom they have known for not more than two hundred years.
The Story of the Creation
Bilaan (Mindanao)
     In the very beginning there lived a being so large that he cannot be compared with any known thing. His name was Melu, and when he sat on the clouds, which were his home, he occupied all the space above. His teeth were pure gold, and because he was very cleanly and continually rubbed himself with his hands, his skin became pure white. The dead skin which he rubbed off his body was placed on one side in a pile, and by and by this pile became so large that he was annoyed and set himself to consider what he could do with it.
Finally Melu decided to make the earth; so he worked very hard in putting the dead skin into shape, and when it was finished he was so pleased with it that he determined to make two beings like himself, though smaller, to live on it.
Taking the remnants of the material left after making the earth he fashioned two men, but just as they were all finished except their noses, Tau Tana from below the earth appeared and wanted to help him.
Melu did not wish any assistance, and a great argument ensued. Tau Tana finally won his point and made the noses which he placed on the people upside down. When all was finished, Melu and Tau Tana whipped the forms until they moved. Then Melu went to his home above the clouds, and Tau Tana returned to his place below the earth.
All went well until one day a great rain came, and the people on the earth nearly drowned from the water which ran off their heads into their noses. Melu, from his place on the clouds, saw their danger, and he came quickly to earth and saved their lives by turning their noses the other side up.
The people were very grateful to him, and promised to do anything he should ask of them. Before he left for the sky, they told him that they were very unhappy living on the great earth all alone, so he told them to save all the hair from their heads and the dry skin from their bodies and the next time he came he would make them some companions. And in this way there came to be a great many people on the earth.
• Source: Mabel Cook Cole, Philippine Folk Tales (Chicago: A. C. McClurg and Company, 1916), pp. 139-140.
• Notes by Mabel Cook Cole:
1. This story is well known among the Bilaan, who are one of the tribes least influenced by the Spaniards, and yet it bears so many incidents similar to biblical accounts that there is a strong suggestion of Christian influence. It is possible that these ideas came through the Mohammedan Moro.
2. Melu is the most powerful of the spirits and the one to whom the people resort in times of danger.
3. A similar story is found in British North Borneo. See Evans, Journal of Royal Anthropological Institute, 1913, p. 423.
In the Beginning
Bilaan (Mindanao)
     In the beginning there were four beings (Melu, Fiuweigh, Diwata, and Saweigh), and they lived on an island no larger than a hat. On this island there were no trees or grass or any other living thing besides these four people and one bird (Buswit). One day they sent this bird out across the waters to see what he could find, and when he returned he brought some earth, a piece of rattan, and some fruit.
Melu, the greatest of the four, took the soil and shaped it and beat it with a paddle in the same manner in which a woman shapes pots of clay, and when he finished he had made the earth. Then he planted the seeds from the fruit, and they grew until there was much rattan and many trees bearing fruit.
The four beings watched the growth for a long time and were well pleased with the work, but finally Melu said, "Of what use is this earth and all the rattan and fruit if there are no people?"
And the others replied, "Let us make some people out of wax."
So they took some wax and worked long, fashioning it into forms, but when they brought them to the fire the wax melted, and they saw that men could not be made in that way.
Next they decided to try to use dirt in making people, and Melu and one of his companions began working on that. All went well till they were ready to make the noses. The companion, who was working on that part, put them on upside down. Melu told him that the people would drown if he left them that way, but he refused to change them.
When his back was turned, however, Melu seized the noses, one by one, and turned them as they now are. But he was in such a hurry that he pressed his finger at the root, and it left a mark in the soft clay which you can still see on the faces of people.
• Source: Mabel Cook Cole, Philippine Folk Tales (Chicago: A. C. McClurg and Company, 1916), pp. 141-142.
The Children of the Limokon
Mandaya (Mindanao)
     In the very early days before there were any people on the earth, the limokon (a kind of dove ) were very powerful and could talk like men though they looked like birds. One limokon laid two eggs, one at the mouth of the Mayo River and one farther up its course. After some time these eggs hatched, and the one at the mouth of the river became a man, while the other became a woman.
The man lived alone on the bank of the river for a long time, but he was very lonely and wished many times for a companion. One day when he was crossing the river something was swept against his legs with such force that it nearly caused him to drown. On examining it, he found that it was a hair, and he determined to go up the river and find whence it came. He traveled up the stream, looking on both banks, until finally he found the woman, and he was very happy to think that at last he could have a companion.
They were married and had many children, who are the Mandaya still living along the Mayo River.
• Source: Mabel Cook Cole, Philippine Folk Tales (Chicago: A. C. McClurg and Company, 1916), pp. 143-144.
• Notes by Mabel Cook Cole:
1. This origin story is of a very different type from those of the Bukidnon and Bagobo. While the others show foreign influence, this appears to be typically primitive.
2. The limokon is the omen bird of the Mandaya. It is believed to be a messenger from the spirit world which, by its calls, warns the people of danger or promises them success. If the coo of this bird comes from the right side, it is a good sign, but if it is on the left, in back, or in front, it is a bad sign, and the Mandaya knows that he must change his plans.
The Creation Story
     When the world first began there was no land, but only the sea and the sky, and between them was a kite (a bird something like a hawk). One day the bird which had nowhere to light grew tired of flying about, so she stirred up the sea until it threw its waters against the sky. The sky, in order to restrain the sea, showered upon it many islands until it could no longer rise, but ran back and forth. Then the sky ordered the kite to light on one of the islands to build her nest, and to leave the sea and the sky in peace.
Now at this time the land breeze and the sea breeze were married, and they had a child which was a bamboo. One day when this bamboo was floating about on the water, it struck the feet of the kite which was on the beach. The bird, angry that anything should strike it, pecked at the bamboo, and out of one section came a man and from the other a woman.
Then the earthquake called on all the birds and fish to see what should be done with these two, and it was decided that they should marry. Many children were born to the couple, and from them came all the different races of people.
After a while the parents grew very tired of having so many idle and useless children around, and they wished to be rid of them, but they knew of no place to send them to. Time went on and the children became so numerous that the parents enjoyed no peace. One day, in desperation, the father seized a stick and began beating them on all sides.
This so frightened the children that they fled in different directions, seeking hidden rooms in the house -- some concealed themselves in the walls, some ran outside, while others hid in the fireplace, and several fled to the sea.
Now it happened that those who went into the hidden rooms of the house later became the chiefs of the islands; and those who concealed themselves in the walls became slaves. Those who ran outside were free men; and those who hid in the fireplace became negroes; while those who fled to the sea were gone many years, and when their children came back they were the white people.

     In the beginning there were two gods, Captan and Maguayan. They created the earth and all livinng things. Once, Captan planted a bamboo garden. The plant grew into a tall tree that swayed gracefully in the breeze. Then, one day, it broke into two sections, and out stepped a man and a woman. To the man the gods gave the name Sicalac, and that is why men have been called lalaki; the woman they called Sicavay, and henceforth women have been called babaye.
After sometime, the man asked the woman to marry him, for there were no people in the world. Sicavay was reluctant in accepting his proposal, however, saying that they were brother and sister, born of the same reed, with only one node between them. Eventually, they agreed to seek the advice of the tunas of the sea and the doves of the air. They also consulted the earthqauke, who told them that it was necessary for them to marry so that the world would be filled with people. And so they became husband and wife.
Soon after, they had a son whom they called Sibu. A daughter who was born to them next was named Samar. Sibu and Samar married and had a daughter Luplupan. She married Pandaguan, the second son of the first couple, Sicalac and Sicavay. They had a son whom they named Anoranor.
Pagaduan was the first to invent the fishing net. The first time he used it, he caught a shark and brought it ashore, thinking that it would die. But the shark did not survive for long out of water. Great was Pagaduan’s grief. He cried out loudly to the gods, blaming them for letting his plaything die when no one had ever died before. It is said that the gold Captan, weary after his day’s work, sent the flies to find out why Pagaduan was making such a lound lamentation. But the flies refused to obey him, saying that they were busy storing honey. For this disobedience, they were condemned to scavenge among filthy and rotten things from then on.
Captan then sent the weavil, who brought back the news of the shark’s death. Pandaguan’s behavior greatly displead Captan. He and Maguayan made a thunderbolt with which they struck Pandaguan dead.The young man stayed in the infernal regions for thirty days, at the end of which time the gods took pity on him, brought him back to life, and returned him to the world.
While Pandaguan was away, his wife Luplupan became the concubine of Maracoyrun. People say that the practice of concubinage then started with Luplupan.
When Pandaguan returned home, he did not find his wife there. She had been invited by Maracoyrun to feat upon a pig which he had stolen. People say that this was the first theft committed in the world.
Pandaguan then sent Anoranor to fetch his mother, but she only laughed at her son and refused to go home, saying that the dead never return to the world. At this answer, Pandaguan became angry an went back to the infernal regions, vowing never to return to the world. The old folks say that had Luplupan obeyed Pandaguan’s summons, and had he not gone back to the infernal regions, all the dead would come back to life.

     Philippine mythology and folklore are gleanings from the traditions of our animistic forefathers (they worshipped the elements) and they reveal the strengths which they may have had in common with some of the world’s major religions.
e.g., strengths:

1) The early Tagalogs believed in the transmigration of the soul of man according to the way a person lived his life on earth.
2) The flood story (Malakas at Maganda) – reminiscent of the Greek origins.
3) The Visayans believed in the Mangyan and Manobo spirit “Manuyapit,” both of whom ferried the souls of the dead to the underworld – very strong resemblance with the Greek boatman Charon.

Some Philippine myths and folklore suggest conditions prevailing at that time.

1) There is an extremely interesting reference to lending money at usurious interest in the Sambal legend (Zambales) of the shark possibly an indication that the story arose in the early phases of the introduction of money into a subsistence economy.
Usurers → “loan sharks”

2) The Panay epic of “Hinilawod” narrates the matrimonial exploits of some of its heroes Labaw Dongyon on his way home with a new bride, hears about another beautiful woman and promptly leaves his wife with his mother, proceeds to go to court and win a second wife (reference to the prevailing time).

Perhaps these stories are meant to show that in mythological times men were men and they may also have to explain the marital behavior of their modern day descendants.

1) The Visayan story “Hari sa Bukid” refers to the planting of tobacco on the slopes of Mount Kanlaon (Negros).
2) The Ilocano legend of Lam-Ang while apparently pre-Hispanic in its framework makes preference to various introduced features.

Myths are revolution of thought because mankind realized what he was and what kind of people started this – the Greeks were the first to realize what mankind was – before man realized what he was he considered himself inferior to the animals.


The Tagalogs

Bathala (or Abba), chief god of the ancient Tagalogs (but referred to by
historians and writers as chief deity in the Philippines so that he had
become accepted as the main god, the father-god in Philippine
• the expression “bahala na” is from “Bathala,” a phrase uttered in
resignation to fate.
• he appeared on earth after violent earthquales, a great conflagration,
and a devastating flood; and declared his sovereignty over the universe;
• dwells in the highest point of ethereal space called “Kaluwalhatian”;
• created the earth w/ all that grows on it, the sea, the sky, and man;
• just and merciful, a father to his people—sustained, nourished and
protected them;
• laid down moral laws—pleased w/ those who obeyed these laws and
paid him homage with gifts and prayers;
• exacting and implacable w/ transgressors, hurling thunderbolts and
striking them w/ lightning.
Assisting Bathala as Superintendents:

• AMANIKABLE: lord of the sea
• ANITUN TABU: goddess of the wind and the rain

Daughters of Bathala by a mortal:
• MAYARI: goddess of the moon
• HANAN: goddess of the morning
• TALA: goddess of the stars
Bathala took them up to the sky and made them divine after their mother died.

Deities of lesser importance & w/ limited powers (children of the gods and goddesses):
• DUMANGAN: god of good harvest
• IKAPATI: goddess of fertile fields
• ANAGOLAY: (daughter of Ikapati) goddess of lost things
• DIAN MASALANTA: (granddaughter of Ikapati) goddess of lovers

ANITOS: ancestral spirits, sent down to earth w/ specific orders, such as to
guard a brave man in war or to cure a sick person; gradually
assumed the office of intercessor between men and gods.

Sacrifices were made to the anito by the priest called a catalonan.

Here are few folk narratives.
The Fable
     A Fable is a short literary composition in prose or verse, conveying a universal cautionary or moral truth. The moral is usually summed up at the end of the story, which generally tells of conflict among animals that are given the attributes of human beings. The fable differs from the parable, also a short narrative designed to convey a moral truth, in that the fable is concerned with the impossible and improbable, whereas the parable always deals with possible events. Both fables and parables are forms of allegory.
One of the earliest and most notable collections of animal fables is that of Aesop, reputedly a freed Greek slave who lived in the 6th century BC. Aesop circulated his fables orally, and they were transmitted in this same manner for a long period. Greek and Roman writers subsequently wrote down versions of Aesop's fables in either prose or verse. The best-known fables of modern Europe have come from a Latin edition by the Byzantine monk Maximus Planudes. Another famous collection of beast fables is the Sanskrit collection Panchatantra, probably of the 3rd century AD. Attributed to a Brahman sage, Bidpai, the Panchatantra was subsequently translated into more than 50 languages; more than 200 versions of it are known.
During the medieval period fables were written in monasteries, but few of any consequence have survived. The writing of fables was revived in France during the 12th century, and from that time on the fable literature of France was more voluminous than that of any other European country. The most important French fabulist of the 12th century was the poet Marie de France. Between the 12th and 14th centuries a popular collection of animal fables entitled Roman de Renart appeared in France, the principal character of which was a wily fox known as Reynard.
     Many collections of fables were published in France from the 16th to the late 18th century. One of the greatest of all French fabulists was Jean de la Fontaine, whose verse fables were published between 1668 and 1694 and were extensively imitated by later writers in all countries.
Throughout the medieval period a German version of the Reynard the Fox stories, Reinecke Fuchs, was popular. The important German fabulists of the 18th century, all influenced by La Fontaine, include Gotthold Ephraim Lessing.
     The best-known early fable in English is the Nun's Priest Tale in The Canterbury Tales by the English poet Geoffrey Chaucer. Another English writer of fables was John Gay, whose Fables (first series, 1727; second series, 1738) are written in sprightly verse and are characterized by great originality and wit.
Other important modern European fabulists include the 18th-century Spanish poet Tomás de Iriarte y Oropesa, author of Fábulas literarias (Literary Fables, 1782); and the famous 19th-century Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen, many of whose fairy tales are actually fables. In the United States, beginning with Fables in Slang (1890) by George Ade, a contemporary form of fable developed, the chief exponents of which included Ambrose Bierce (Fantastic Fables, 1899), James Thurber (Fables for Our Time, 1940), and William Saroyan (Fables, 1941).
Early Forms of Drama
     Drama as a literary form had not yet begun to evolve among the Filipinos when the Spanish conquest took place. From the evidence of anthropological and ethnological studies, it appears that Philippine theater at this stage consisted largely in its simplest form, of mimetic dances imitating natural cycles and work activities. At its most sophisticated form, theater consisted of religious rituals presided over by a priest or priestess and participated in by the community. Examples of these rituals are the Ch’along, Pag-Huaga, Runsay and Pagdiwata.
     The Ch’along is part of an Ifugao wedding rite, involving the propitiation of evil spirits who might bring harm upon the couple. The rite centers around the goddess Bugan’s revenge for an insult to her family who were not served at a wedding feast. A boy plays Bugan and three men play the husband Wigan and the two sons. Dancing to the rhythm of beaten shields, the four journey into the mountain where they build a hut for the spirits who need propitiating. Bugan’s revenge is accomplished by distributing among her enemies food on which a curse has been pronounced. The four “players” then return to the wedding feast and the purification rites are performed.

     The Pag-Huaga is also a propitiation rite, the most important part of a four-day Bagobo festival consisting of drinking, dancing, singing and chanting. The ritual is offered to the god of life and death, to the god of the streams and destroyer of sickness, and to the spirit of sacrifices. In a scheduled place, a human sacrifice is tied to a cross-like stake and around him the warriors, wielding their shields and spears, do a frenzied dance. The circle of warriors close in on the victim, making stabs at him. Then all those present rush toward the center to inflict wounds on the human sacrifice. The dead victim is then cut up into tiny pieces, and chanting begins. The pieces are buried in a hole, except for the hands and feet which are given to the children, who perform their own version of the rite.

     The Runsay is an old Tagbanua propitiatory ritual meant to ask the spirits to keep sickness away. The Tagbanuas believe that illness is caused by the salakep, tiny creatures who sailed outriggered bancas blown by the northeast wind. These creatures would go on a rampage if they were not stopped by warrior sailors sent by Magindusa, the most powerful spirit. The rite, usually held in December, when the northeast wind begins to blow gustily, conists of setting sail a large craft laden with the food offerings of the Tagbanua families. The leader first offers a bowl of rice to the spirits, takes a pinch of rice and tosses it in the air. This is done seven times. Then the men lift the loaded raft as far out into the sea as they can go. The people watch on the shore and hope that the waves would carry the raft afar, for it would be a bad omen if the vessel returns.

     The Pagdiwata is another Tagbanua ritual which is still done today. It is held to thank spirits for a good harvest or to plead for a cure for the sick. It is an indoor ceremony presided over by the babaylan who prepares for it by placing the customary offering betel nut, rice, and fattened chickens on a table where a carved wooden turtle also rests. (The Tagbanuas believe that the turtle is the ferry of the spirits.) The babaylan dances before the table to the rhythm of gongs and drums, with her eyes completely covered by a hood, and a kris tucked under her belt.
The essential ingredient of drama present in these forms is mimesis, or imitation of real action.

----Philippine Literature---

Write brief essays on the following:

1. In a general sense, what does Philippine folklore say about how ancient Filipinos viewed the world (i.e. the world below as opposed to the “skyworld”)? Give (an)
example/s. (10 pts.)

2. How much influence, if at all, does the ancients’ polytheistic beliefs (i.e. belief in many gods/goddesses) and animism have on present-day Filipinos’ religious beliefs and practices? Cite examples of myths/legends/ folktales, etc. that support your claims. (15 pts.)

3. Discuss the significance of fables in Philippine folklore. Cite examples. (10 pts.)

                                                    Prepared by:
                                                                      Ms. Criselda D. Mariñas

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Irene pahanonot said...

1.In part of the Philippine folklore,ancient Filipinos viewed the world by their showering traditional customs and tradition. That has been molded within theirselves in a circle group of people and has been take apart of their everyday lives.Primitive people viewed the world as".....THE WORLD AS ROAD WITH MOON LIKE CRATERS...."

Irene pahanonot said...

2. The wealth of our literacy legacy owes its preservation to the tenacity of our ancestors in keeping our oral tradition in their hearts and minds as well as the efforts of our ForeFathers. As they beat around the bush we gain forward to influence their past beliefs and bringing it out in our present generations.They believe more on their god and goddess as their Bathala,Anitos,Diwatas even in nature and these were brought up now in our present were in people doing a religious practices and beliefs in varied act related to the past.
Example of Myths:"SHINNING MOON..."
Example of Legend: "..Mt.Mayon..."

Irene pahanonot said...

3. The significance of which is to give views of pack of lesson or knowledge that will give insights of good implementation of moral values.Eventhough it was acted by the animals but still good values burst up to reminds individuals well being.

herly vergara said...

1.The Philippine folkfore says how ancient Filipinos viewed the world through their shimmering beliefs and tradition that boost up to sight the world of reality.Before, the world was very natural as it comes in a way that it was made of exploding of all things around it.

herly vergara said...

2. In times past, it was revealed that we were influence of different beliefs surrounded within us.Beliefs that, still we carry it out now a days. Before, it seems that they praise with nature like field,river,great mountains, big trees and old stone.And now, we intend to follow it in a reverse way like praying in front of a statue of creature to one we believed, singing using those religious songs and we adopt a lot of practices in the field of religious beliefs as one way of our praising.
Example of Myths".. ISIS AND OSIRIS"..
Example of Legends:".. MARIA MAKILING"..

herly vergara said...

3.Fables was intendedly shown in the different field of literature to distinguish the good manner versus its bad.Accompanying its action and consequences.This will showcase the lesson that we applied in a varied real life setting situation.
Example of Fables: ".. THE MONKEY AND THE TURTLE.."

joan hansel papalid said...

2. Ancient Philippine literature is a composite product of the rich cultural heritage of the Filipino. Linked closely with the religious beliefs and ceremonies of the time, the literature reflects the culture of the original inhabitants of the Phillippine archipelago- said to be of Malayan and Indonesian stock- and enriched with the influences of the chinese, arabs, persians and other foreign who came to trade with them.
Example of Myths: "Dahong-Palay"
Example of Legend: "The Legend of Coconut tree"
Example of Folktale: "Housewarming Song"
Example of Epic: "Biag ni-Lam-ang"

Ancient Filipino legends were attempts to explain physical forces and divine powers which, our ancestors believed, directed the fortune and destiny of the human race. The legend were narrated orally, either in verse or in prose.
For the Epic- The Lam-ang is believed to be work of many poets of several generations. Each altered some parts and added new verses until it was finally written down during the spanish period.

Sheen Tombiga said...

1.In the field of Philippine Literature,specifically its mysterious folklore that sum up into a paradise of different beliefs and tradition that was already adopted in old times ago. This gives way to remind individual the past history of the world.

Sheen Tombiga said...

2. Past years ago, the spirit of ancient people beliefs,gives way to influence as now a days with their delightful beliefs and traditions especially in religious field.Before it was started by praising someone as their god and goddess like our dear Diwatas, Anitos,and many more.They took also praising in nature like hard big stone, harmonious mountain, colorful rice field and pure river.
Example of Myths: " CREATIONS "
Example of Legend: " FIREFLIES "

Sheen Tombiga said...

3. The importance of fables was showered not just in the field of literature but it was gave us an entertainment and most of all it delivered a good plight of establishing a couple of good values and lessons that strikes individual's heart and mind for them to reached the path way to follow it.

joan hansel papalid said...

1. The early Filipino had a great variety of legends, myhths, epics, folktales, etc. These expressed the various aspects of their life and customs as well as their feelings and reactions to their daily experiences.

The early Filipino also had a great variety of songs. Any occassions- whether trivial or eventful, whether work, worship or play- inspired spontaneous creation of songs.

These songs were generally sung to the accompanient of musical instruments of the percussive and stringed variety.

Example: " A World Full Of Shining Lives"

joan hansel papalid said...

4. The significance of fables gives us interests and knowledge and gives us also a good moral values. Fables were acted by the animals but they acted as ahuman being in the stor that leads us and convey to the moral truth.
Example: " The Turtle and Snail"

Harra Jane Pepito said...

1. I think our Filipino forefathers viewed the world more in nature. They prayed to the trees, mountains, skies, waterfalls etc. and our ancestors taught that there are supernatural beings who made them and all the things around them. They believed that there was a god, the supreme deity and creator of all things. They also believed and prayed in some "enkantadas", goddesses, "anitos", and spirits of their dead family member.
Example/s: The Creation and How the World was Made

shela mae said...

1. In Philippine folklore, ancient Filipinos viewed the world through their own experiences in their own ethnic group. People have their own versions especially those superstitious beliefs in their provinces. These exists because our country is composed of many islands and in every islands, it has different stories example they may say that "THE WORLD IS FULL OF TALES THAT NO ONE CAN TELL THE EXACT HAPPENINGS BECAUSE THE WORLD IS UNIQUE".

shela mae said...

2. We can't deny the fact that we enhirited the beliefs of our ancestors. We even believe to any extraordinary creatures and beings. Some ethnic groups have their Gods and Goddesses. We may say that we sometimes believe in fairies just like "The Legend of Maria Makiling".

shela mae said...

3. Fables of the Philippine Folklore is very significant to everyone. As we all know that fable is a fictional story that includes animals. As we read fables, we did discover moral lessons like the story about the "Lion and the Mice". It talks about friendship and trust. It may be a fictional story but it has a great purpose why is it made and published; to leave a mark in our heart and mind to do good and don't ever forget our own versions of understanding in the field of literature.

Harra Jane Pepito said...

2. At present, maybe some of our Filipino folks still worshiped many gods and goddesses or even the images of their dead family members carved in woods like the "anitos" and "anitas" of Ifugaos/Igorot. Even though our world today is loaded with technology, there are some Filipinos still believed in superstitious beliefs(the pregnant mother should not stay outside during the night,etc.) and animism. I think it's in our blood because it is a part of our culture, part of our lives and part of being a Filipino.
Examples: The Kikilang of Ifugaos

Harra Jane Pepito said...

3. The significance of Fables in the Philippine Folklore is that fable serve as a reflection of the Filipino culture, values, customs and traditions. The fables were not only invented to entertain the readers but to teach moral values to its readers. It helps the readers to build strong moral character. One of my favorite fable was "The Mango Tree and The Bamboo Tree". This fable taught its readers not to be too proud and boastful and look down unto others like the mango tree instead be meek and humble just like the bamboo tree. Another fable told by Rizal's mother entitled, "The Moth and The Lamp" reach my senses. It taught its readers that the mother doesn't want her child to be hurt and she is there to guide and give cautions to her child. But the child (moth in the fable) refused his mother's warning and he got himself burned by the lamp and died. It's like the story of Icarus and his father in Greek mythology escaping the labyrinth.

Daryl G. Abrinica said...

I am very proud to hear about the presence of such complex thinking during the ancient times which lead to the formulation of these very useful literary works and taught the world to be more creative and expressive. Everything would not be possible if not because of the capacity of our brain to ask questions. They realized a phenomena has happened right before their eyes. Their mind then started to work and question popped out of nowhere. That's when the question "WHY" came to be. The search for answers then started it's craving. If you already read my blog, you would understand more where my insights are coming from. I don't want to be a blabber-mouth so I'll keep this short. I hope I satisfied you.

Francis said...

1.The Philippine folkfore says how ancient Filipinos viewed the world through their shimmering beliefs and tradition.People have their own versions especially those in their province.they also believe the prayed of the god or anitos and spirit of the people of the dead family...
Example:The World God Only Knows,,,,

cherrymae millan said...

1.As ancient Filipino view the world, Filipinos comfortably combine work and play, they find countless reasons for celebration - a good harvest, a raise in pay, the arrival or departure of a relative or friend, baptisms, weddings, birthdays. And, not to be left out, the fiesta, the feast of all feasts of every Philippine town. Filipinos have been celebrating since time immemorial. Historical accounts of life in pre Spanish communities describe how planting, harvesting and building a house were done cooperatively by groups of families and always ended with eating, drinking, music and dance. To this early fiesta tradition, the Spaniards introduced the Catholic saints who later became the focus of the celebration. Today the early harvest festival with its acquired Christian overlay continues to provide Filipinos respite from the rigors of daily life. Examples: “Christ on the Cross”

cherrymae millan said...

2.In the Philippines, the record of the Spanish and the surviving indigenous traditions leave little doubt that the Filipinos had a belief in a Supreme Creator God. The name of this god varied depending on what region is discussed. Among some of the names are: Bathala, Diwata, Kabunian, Mansilatan, Makaptan, Laon, Lumauig, Mamarsua, Tuhan, etc. Generally, the Supreme God was seen as distant and too involved in higher matters for direct worship. Instead, a lower class of deities, who, like humans, were also created, were the principle objects of prayer, supplication and ritual. However, sacrifices, offerings and rituals aimed at the Supreme God were no unknown, and they were usually reserved for emergency-type situations as among the Bagobo, or in very special annual rites. Examples of myths: “bathala/maykapal”. Examples of legend: “how did kanlaon volcano came to be? “Examples of folktales: “ why the sky is so high”

cherrymae millan said...

3.The Significance of Philippine folklore is that, literature is the repository of a people's culture, history, heritage, and identity. Behind the stories and poems are the experiences of a people. The works allow us glimpses of how they think and act.
We can understand the Filipino if we read what he has written. We can understand why he has become what he is, where he got his cultural traits, and why the Philippines is in its present state by reading the stories and poems created by writers. Most of them may be fictional and even fantastic, but all stories or poems have, as their bases, the realities that exist in their writers' social milieu.
Philippine literature is significant because Filipinos would like to preserve their identities. Their literary tradition serves as the roots of the Filipino identity
.As we all know fables are succinct stories that will feature different types of characters in it. Plants, animals, forces of nature, inanimate objects etc are some of types of characters that are included in most of the fables.Examples of fables are often used to teach a lesson or simply to tell a story. Fables, fairy tales, myths, and parables are often referred to interchangeably, but each of these stories or tales has its own distinct characteristics. Because fables are often used to teach a lesson or impart a simple moral, they are often confused with parables.

Francis said...
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Francis said...

2.long ago,it was revealed that we were influence of different beliefs surrounded within us.Beliefs that, still we carry it out now a days.Some ethnic groups was own Gods. we intend to follow the culture like pray the santos or statua..bathala or buddha..
Example:The Legend of the First Rainbow..

Francis said...

4.The significance of Fables in the Philippine Folklore is that fable serve as a reflection of the Filipino culture.to leave a mark in our heart and mind to do good and don't ever forget our own versions of understanding in the field.This will showcase the lesson that we applied in a varied real life..
Example:Fable of An Old Man And An Ass..

andrin, agustin m. said...
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andrin, agustin m. said...
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andrin, agustin m. said...

1.As these stories are only legends that have been handed down from remote times, the teacher must impress upon the minds of the children that they are myths and are not to be given credence; otherwise the imaginative minds of the native children would accept them as truth, and trouble would be caused that might be hard to remedy. Explain then the fiction and show the children the folly of belief in such fanciful tales.
example: The Tobacco of Harisaboqued
A legend of the volcano of Canlaon on the island of Negros. It is told generally in Western Negros and Eastern Cebu. The volcano is still active, and smoke and steam rise from its crater.

andrin, agustin m. said...

the belief in and worship of many gods. Typically, these gods are distinguished by particular functions, and often take on human characteristics.
These belief systems are similar to animism, ancestor worship and totemism. However, in polytheism, these supernatural forces are personified and organized into a cosmic family. This "family" becomes the nucleus of a particular culture's belief system.
Example of myth:
The Fate of Narcissus
So it was that fair Narcissus fell in love with himself. One day as he was walking in the forest he stopped to refresh himself at a pond of water. As he bent down to drink from the pool, he noticed something that he had not noticed before. It was a reflection of someone so fair and pure that he just could not help but to fall head over heels in love with it.
In his eyes, this reflection was the most beautiful he had ever seen. Not realizing that the reflection was of his very own, he tried to touch the face, yet each time he reached down to touch the reflection it quickly ripped away, only to reappear in a moments time when the pond went still.
Narcissus would stare at his reflection for the next several years until death finally took him. When he died, poor Echo cried tears of sorrow, and as Venus watched from above, she took pity on Narcissus’ soul and let a flower (a narcissus flower) grow in the exact spot where he died.
My claims: Legend has it that Narcissus still gazes at his reflection where flowers meet ponds and trees.

andrin, agustin m. said...

4.there is still no universally accepted definition of the word "folklore". But any bit of knowledge handed down from generation to generation, which describes or depicts the beliefs and lifestyle of the ancestors of a chosen ethnic group, is rendered unique to that group, and is respected as folklore.
Folklore is usually transmitted by word of mouth.The preservation of the knowledge of our elders can be carried out in many ways, and they are not inaccessible to anyone who would seek them.
Example: The Boy Who Became a Stone

maria charlyn b. macan said...

maria charlyn said...
1.Philippine Folklore our ancient Filipinos viewed the world by sharing their different works. Through this it remained in us through word to mouth . And it gives us inspiration to make us proud that our forefathers contributed a lot to make Filipinos will be also known in terms of our native culture truly in our own. And it also shows our custom and tradition in our everyday life to show to generations the culture of our people.
Ex.The World Is Like A Rose Has It Thorns

maria charlyn b. macan said...

2.Our ancient polytheistic influence our present day because until now their acts is still existing. Like in other places have their own gods, goddesses, animism which they praise through their beliefs and practices.Even if how modern we are now but still the works of our forefathers are still remained and existing.
Ex.Folktales:The Mighty Tree
Ex.Myth:Why The Sea Is Salty
Ex.Legend:The Legend Of The Lanzones

maria charlyn b. macan said...

3.The significance of fables in the Philippine folklore is to give values and moral lessons to make us realize and made us inspire in our everyday life.
Ex.The Cat And The Horse

Jeremiah Sualan said...
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Jeremiah Sualan said...

1. In general sense the Philippine folklore they viewed us the way we act our culture or how we manage the world how it goes on. They say also that we sometimes cannot follow how the use so it.
Example: We as the filipino ctizens

Jeremiah Sualan said...

2. in reality gods/goddesses many of them are trying to be like us but some of them we didn't follow their beliefs because of some reasons that it became supertitous beliefs when our ancestors made it to the filpino religous.
Exam,ples Myths: our hero Dr. Jose Rizal
folktales: moon & the sun

Jeremiah Sualan said...

4.fables are like stories that we heard everyday stories like fictions that we read all the time
Example; harry potter & deathly hallows

Argelyn Lacurte Benlot said...

1.) The Philippine folklore says about how ancient Filipino viewed the world through their beveling of our tradition,mostly in their Provence like our citizens people they always used it especially during planted their plants they always put it something of their seeds and also during harvest of their plants they sing to thanks of their gods.

example:our citizens people or our lola's and lolo's

Beverly B. Opsima said...

1.Philippine folklore ancient Filipinos the world more in beliefs and tradition.In oral tradition are very common among the indigenous tribes still existent in the Philippine until now there are same believe the culture or past history of the old man which lead us individual to know the past happening to remind the history of the world and also to be proud of our Forefather contributed.

Beverly B. Opsima said...

2. Our world today is more in technology but even thought there are same Filipinos believed in tradition or for short "superstitious belief" they believed which is related by their god and goddess they believe in more than just one god. Its a great influence that their god over their daily lives and fates for instant Bathala.
Example of Myths: "THE MOON FESTIVAL".
Example of Legend: " MT.MAYON".
Example of Folktales: "THE VIRTUE OF THE COCONUT".

Beverly B. Opsima said...

3.Fables is a story that gives moral lesson not only for entertaining but its give a moral value as well. Its story often about the animals that point out some aspects of the human behavior and has moral attached.
Example: "THE CAT AND FOX".

Anonymous said...

1.in general sense,philippine folklore say about how ancient filipino,viewed the world in simple way,the ancient filipinos had their own thougthd & feelings

Anonymous said...

the ancient polytheistic had a great influence to the present filipinos in god/godesses and animism.Because some filipinos still believing in ''nuno sa punso'',''diwata'',''saints & other creature beliefs. Some Filipinos still believing in myths like Alamat ng Bundok Makiling at Biag ni Lam-ang.

menchie said...

1. In general sense, the Philippine folklore say that the ancient Filipinos view the world as a great sea of water above which stretched the sky. The water was the kingdom of the god Maguayan, and the sky was ruled by the great god captan. Maguayan had a daughter called Lidagat, the sea, and captan had a son known as Lihangin, the wind The gods agreed to the marriage of their children, so the sea became the bride of the wind.
Three sons and a daughter were born to them. The sons were called Licalibutan, Liadlao, Liburan and the daughter received the name of Lisuga.
2. The ancient polyesthetic belief (i.e belief in many gods / godess) and animism still have influence on present day. Fiipinos religious practices especially those living in the barrios and provinces. They offered songs and verses to pray for abundance and happiness: in the home, on the farm, on the sea, and elsewhere. After a good harvest, they offered a lot of food, "tuba", "maliorca", native cigar and fruits to therir goddesses as an expression of thanksgiving. There were also metrical accounts of native Filipino gods and their deeds. Songs and verses filled early religious practices: to express devotion, to atone for sins, to minister to the sick, and bury the dead.
Examples of myths/folktales:
a.) the early Tagalogs believed in the transmigration of the soul of man according to the way a person lived his life on earth.
b.) the flood story - Malakas and Maganda
3. A fable is a short literary compostion in prose/verse, conveying a universal cushionary moral truth. The oral is usually sumed up at the end of the story, which generally tells of conflict among animals that are given the attributes of human beings. Example, the story of the Rabbit and the Turtle. The rabbits runs fast but its the turtle who wins the game though he walks slow. The success of a person depends upon his determination and consistency.

Anonymous said...

Fables tell a story that has a moral meaning behind them. In the Ancient world, there were many superstitions concerning nature and the world in general.

shedien mollejon said...

1.in general sense,philippine folklore say about how ancient filipino,viewed the world in simple way,the ancient filipinos had their own thougthd & feelings

shedien mollejon said...

Fables tell a story that has a moral meaning behind them. In the Ancient world, there were many superstitions concerning nature and the world in general.

shedien mollejon said...

the ancient polytheistic had a great influence to the present filipinos in god/godesses and animism.Because some filipinos still believing in ''nuno sa punso'',''diwata'',''saints & other creature beliefs. Some Filipinos still believing in myths like Alamat ng Bundok Makiling at Biag ni Lam-ang.

queenie said...

1. Include a collection of tales and superstitions about magical creatures and entities. Some Filipinos, even though heavily westernized and Christianized, still believe in such entities. The prevalence of belief in the figures of Philippines mythology is strong in the provinces.


Anonymous said...

1.in general,it is evident on the Philippine folklore that ancient Filipinos viewed the world as a creation of Gods and Goddesses and also with different elemental spirits.Thus ancient Filipinos illustrate nature into personification.. which can be shown on their respect to nature like "HOW THE WORLD WAS MADE"

queenie rose gelaga said...

2. Philippines is comprised of Catholics, but Catholicism and spirituality in the Philippines extends beyond just being Catholic. In fact the way religion is practiced in the Philippines is very unique in comparison to the form Christianity takes in the west or other areas of the globe. Filipino Catholicism is practiced alongside and influenced by precolonial indigenous religions and indigenous Filipino concepts that are found in other areas of Southeast Asia. To understand how Christianity is practiced in the Philippines it is important to look at the unique ways Filipinos manifest their spirituality, how gender plays a role, and less common religious nuances that characterize Christianity in the Philippines. A discussion of religion in the Philippines would not be complete without paying attention to the unique place of Muslims in the Philippines.

Example of Myth; Gladiators Were All Men
Example of Legend; Malakas at Maganda

cherry ann said...

1.The Philippine Folklore say about how ancient Filipino viewed the world in which we Filipinos have always been awed by the fairy tales & through this, it makes us a Filipino. It's been transmitted and passed to generation. It's been part of our tradition and because of it, we must be thankful to our ancient forefathers who gave us the true essence of the Philippine Folklore.
e.g. The tobacco of Harisaboqued.

2. It really influenced us a lot even during the modern technology we had experienced now. We all know that the knowledge about the ancients polytheistic is always been a part in our life and passed it from generation to generation.
We believed in many things and we're just influenced by it by being inherited by our forefathers.
e.g. Myths Pandora, Athens and the creation of Archetype.
e.g. Legends of Mount Mayon
e.g. Folktales The Story of Kanag

3. The significance of folktales in the Philippine Folklore is that it gives us the knowledge that we can share to others and we Filipino have an inferiority complex about their own. Through it we can learn good values and deeds. It gives us an importance for being a Filipino because of it we must be proud and thankful to our forefathers.

madonna garcia said...

3. As part literature,philippines fables are taught in the school to give additional knowledge to children,However it is necessary to know what makes fables good to share with our children.It is good to know the characteristic of philippines fables would serve as our guide everytime.As a general knowledge,fables are fiction because they did nit really happen philippines fables have unique characteristic not only to entertain but also to provide moral lesson to the reader aside from being poetic.Phillipens fables have allegorical significance and allow to the reader to connect with other culture.It is important in the "END"you should let them know the moral lesson of the fables.This is most significant part because they can acquire good moral values from the story as well as from the character.


2. It has brought a huge and bad influence,most especially to the believers and followers of Almighty God.These beliefs have done a havoc to the people who are faithful to Him.These does not only affects our faith but also to our everyday lives.Speaking of that,if we will not take a heed to the possible outcome in the existence of this worship,we will all look pity and ignorant.
Example of myth: GREEK MYTH OF PRONETHEUS....
Example of Legend:MOON GODS....
Example of Folktales:ANG BUWAN AT ANG ARAW.....

queenie rose gelaga said...

3. The significance of Fables in the Philippine Folklore are short narratives that revolve around particular moral lessons. Animals are the heroes in most fables. They are made to stand for certain traits of the human race, and to teach the ways of the world through vivid characterization and lively interaction.

Example; The monkey and the Dolphin


3.Fables in Philippine folklore plays an important role for us,Filipinos.These help us to remind how indespensale the literature is in Philippines.We know the mere fact, that this was part of our daily lives.Through fables, we used to reminisce and comprehend everything about that surrounds in our own country.And through fables we can gain moral lessons that we use to apply it in our everyday living to respond to others righteously.

Melanie Laude said...

1. It describes the simple living of ancient Filipino who strongly believes the existence of god and goddesses that..THE WORLD WAS ONLY A GREAT SEA OF WATER,ABOVE WHICH STRETCHES THE SKY...

2. Even though we are in modern technology now we are still adapt the beliefs of ancient Filipino like the existence of unseen beings,and the beginning of a certain object or places.
Example of myths:"MARIA MAKILING"
Example of legend:"ALAMAT NG PINYA"
Example of folktale:"PARO PARO'NG BUKID"
Example of epic:"BI-AG NI LAM-ANG"

3. Fables of the Philippines folklore is very important to everyone because even if it's animated it's somehow teach or we learn a moral lesson like the "ANTS STORY".

melona limpangog said...

1.The Philippine folklore viewed the world by making a different kind of stories though their curiosity.an ancient folklore viewed the world as "A MANOBO FOLKTALE"
2. our ancient forefathers beliefs are still present until now. example of myths:A TALE OF MARINDUQUE EXAMPLE OF LEGEND: THE PROWESS OF ALIGUYON.
3. The significance of fables in Philippine folklore is to entertain and amuse by the peoples even though the stories are acted by the animals but the values are still there. example THE TUG OF WAR.

lucel said...

1.In the Philippine folklore viewed the world by many traditions and with collaborated cultures from different part of the Philippines like the Igorots they had their gods and goddesses or the "anitos" that they follow and praise, it is where they pray for good harvest, child blessing into the new couple andlong life in their tribe.
2.They influence a lot specially before the technological age and also today mostly in the mountain baranggays and provinces all over the Philippines who are not yet industrialize. An example of myths here in the Philippines are The Flood story, the quixotic myth of Mayon volcano,myth of the Philippine archipelago, how the moon and stars came to be in Bukidnon and for the legends in the Philippine the examples are the" Ang alamat ng Pinya, ang Alamat ng Saging, Ang Alamat Niyog, Ang Alamat ng Mangga at Ang Alamat sa bayan ng Adlaon na matatgpuan sa bulobunduking barangay ng Talamban, Cebu City.
3.The fables in the Philippine folklore had a great influence in the Filipino people especially the young children where they can get good values and moral lessons like the story of " Ang Langgam at ang Tipaklong, Ang Matsing at ang Pagong, ang Leon at ang Daga,at Ang Palaka at ang Uwang. Through this fables which some of them is not existing anymore they portrait a good legacy in the Philippine Folklore

Anonymous said...

The religions that has been practiced among Filipinos in present only shows a great influenced on the polytheistic beliefs (i.e. belief in many gods/goddesses).In fact, there are a lot of religious belief that are praising their own Gods,supernaturals.and even created their own statues to be praised off.
ex.in the beginning.

Anonymous said...

the significance of the fables is, it help us on how to be rational, when it comes to critical thinking. it teaches moral lessons and knowledge.
ex."the turtle and monkey,

this fable thought us on how to deal with our friends accordingly,, we should not betrayed them and cheat them.. and treasure and keep safe with their trust.

madonna garcia said...
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orland said...

1. First man is created out of nothing. The people became greedy to gain more power in to know who is much powerful than anyone else. After that the "god captain" got angry and punish them. They thought that the man punished is dead but it was only resting. After it regain the strength he was born a new race. It's just like the story of Adam and Eve our very first parents. They also inherited their sins to their offsprings.

orland said...
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grace arañas said...

1.) Ancient Filipinos knows viewed the world in Philippines Folklore by the traditions in customs. That has been applied within themselves in their daily lives to their families, circle of friends and also to the community where they belong. They also follow the traditions and respect those cultures what has been used to. " THE WORLD IS FULL OF MYSTERIES."
2.) Ancients polytheistic belief gives influence to our For Fathers because they believes that those Goddesses as their BATHALA, ANITOS, ANITA'S, DIWATAS, DIOS can give their needs and wants to there daily lives. They use to pray anywhere they go liked in the tree, statue and etc. They used their traditions for thanks giving by the offering of animals, fruits and etc.
3.) The significance of Fables in Philippines folklore is to give life and values those characters and situations that might happen YOU, ME AND EVERYONE F US. That relate the stories that can give encouragement, lessons that can realize to us those that you might than which is right or wrong.

therese said...

1.Our great ancient filipino still value the important of the Philippine folklore in a sense that our new generation today still follow the customs,traditions and a lot more.it simply show that we filipino still adopt,and use it in everyday in our life.
Example:The world and its universal beauty
2.Our forefathers leaves us the very influential history that till now we still treasure it and still use it to bring the freshness of the great history that happen in the past because we filipino still value it here in our daily lives.
Example;Biag ni lam-ang in ifugao.
Example:maria makiling
3.The significant of the fables is that giving us on how to compare the reality in nature,like the animals,it simply implies on how we value the lives of every creations of god,and relate it the real situations in our daily lives.
Example:The LiOn king

anne gabuya said...
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teffany said...

1.Philippine folklore has a sense of being so superstitious. Different people of different customs and traditions had their different stories about the world's existence. I can say that, our ancient Filipino people viewed the world according to their own different imaginations only and they try to stand unto their beliefs to be true.A matter that is so opposing to what the true, one God- when Christianity came into our country- had said in His scriptures. In fact there are lots of traditions or rituals that were find wrong for its stated to be the work of evil, but they never realized it.An example of it is the offering for the fairies for healing purposes and etc.Sad to say it's still happening today.

orland said...

2. It influence alot to us even until now. Even the offsprings of our ancestors the story is passed and still believed by them. It is also taught in the school in our elementary days. Some of it inspires the people to do the values given in the story.
Example:(Myth) The Creation Story

madonna garcia said...

1.Before the arrival of the Spaniards,There are various beliefs about the origin particular ethnic population a part of the oral history of a particular culture. the indigenous Malayo-Polynesian people of what is now called the Philippines were adherents of a mixture of Animism,gods and goddesses include "Araw" (Sun) and "Buwan" (moon), The ancient Filipinos believed, like many animistic peoples, that all objects had spirits or were inhabited by such.....2.The culture of the Philippines reflects the complexity of the history of the Philippines through the blending of many diverse customs and traditions that influence in our ancient Filipinos.In ancient times, Filipinos made offerings to particular trees that were thought to be the habitation of benevolent deities, or even certain ancestral spirits,inanimate objects like rocks, mountains, lakes, etc., and natural phenomena like wind, thunder and fire were said to be inhabited by particular spirits, or to be governed by certain gods. MYTHS EX.Calydonian Boar Hunt.LEGEND EX.A Tale From The Padas River.FOLKTALE EX. Ang Aso at ang Uwak..

orland said...

3. Folklore is usually transmitted by word of mouth. Oral traditions are very common among the indigenous tribes still existent in the Philippines. What students of folk literature do, basically, is transcribe and interpret what is related to them by the storytellers of a tribe. The preservation of the knowledge of our elders can be carried out in many ways, and they are not inaccessible to anyone who would seek them.
Example:The Man with the Coconuts

Leah Navarro said...

1.Ancient Filipino viewed the world by appreciating the different culture our Forefathers have made. Wherein Filipino can express their words in many ways, like in their tribal culture, their customs and traditions. Through these, they can express their feelings and share different ideas.
2. Many ancient polytheistic beliefs had influence us in years. One of the example is by believing in many gods/goddesses. Present day Filipinos are now making their own god just to suite their needs or by adding something that is lacking to their previous one.It also represents them as individual. But honestly,everyone has one purpose to be a good follower as we can, to the god that we truly worship.
Example of Myth: Why the sea is Salty
Example of Legend: The Legend of Pineapple
3.The significance of fables in Philippine folklore is to give moral values and aside from that it gives entertainment to the readers. It enable us to relate the different traits or the attitude being act by a certain animal in the story.
Example of fable: "Si Pagong at si Kuneho"

tura said...

1.) The Filiponos see's this world as a mysteryand full of colors beacause the Filipinos are very imaginative they created there own story and reasons on how the world was made and how all the living were connected to each other...2.) The story of gods and goddesses influence the EARLY and PREASENT Filipino's belief because other things is hard to be explain even science can't explain all things thats why WE and the EARLY Filpinos made our own story to make the unexplainable be explain.The best example is the myths of zues god of thunder.3.) Fables are made to make it simple to understand the values of life and to make it very interesting to childrens to let them know that our world is colorfull and full of things that are waiting to be discover. Example of a good fable is the rabbit and the turtle.

anne gabuya said...

1. Philippine mythology and folklore include a collection of tales and superstitions about magical creatures and entities. Some Filipinos, even though heavily westernized and Christianized, still believe in such entities. The prevalence of belief in the figures of Philippines mythology is strong in the provinces.

Because the country has many islands and is inhabited by different ethnic groups, Philippine mythology and superstitions are very diverse. However, certain similarities exist among these groups, such as the belief in Heaven (kaluwalhatian, kalangitan, kamurawayan), Hell (impiyerno, kasamaan), and the human soul (kaluluwa).

2. Animism, is the term used to describe the indigenous spiritual traditions practiced in the Philippines during pre-colonial times. Today, a handful of the indigenous tribes continue to practice it. The traditions are a collection of beliefs and cultural mores anchored more or less in the idea that the world is inhabited by spirits and supernatural entities, both good and bad, and that respect be accorded to them through nature worship. These spirits all around nature are known as "diwatas", showing cultural relationship with Hinduism (Devatas). Some worship specific deities, such as the Tagalog supreme deity, Bathala, and his children Adlaw, Mayari, and Tala, or the Visayan deity Kan-Laon; while others practice Ancestor worship (anitos). Variations of animistic practices occur in different ethnic groups. Magic, chants and prayers are often key features. Its practitioners were highly respected[3] (and some feared) in the community, as they were healers, midwives (hilot), shamans, witches and warlocks (mangkukulam), priests/priestesses (babaylan/katalonan), tribal historians and wizened elders that provided the spiritual and traditional life of the community. In the Visayan regions, there is a belief in the existence of witchcraft or barang and mythical creatures such as the "aswang", "balay sa dwendi" and "Bakonawa", despite the existence of the Christian and Islamic faiths.

In general, the spiritual and economic leadership in many pre-colonial Filipino ethnic groups was provided by women, as opposed to the political and military leadership according to men.[citation needed] Spanish occupiers during the 16th century arrived in the Philippines noting about warrior priestesses leading tribal spiritual affairs. Many were condemned as pagan heretics. Although suppressed, these matriarchal tendencies run deep in Filipino society and can still be seen in the strong leadership roles modern Filipino women are assuming in business, politics, academia, the arts and in religious institutions.

Folk religion remains a deep source of comfort, belief and cultural pride among many Filipinos.[citation needed] Nominally animists constitute about one percent of the population. But animism's influence pervade daily life and practice of the colonial religions that took root in the Philippines. Elements of folk belief melded with Christian and Islamic practices to give a unique perspective on these religions.

3.nowadays, fables are important for us to know what is the importance of beliefs and tradition of the ancients filipinos to look forward there lifestyle in the early times.

Emelyn Carcuevas said...

1. For me, the Philippine folklore says how the ancient Filipinos viewed the world as meaningful through their beliefs and tradition as they praising the world of nature.As what I know the earliest people do believed that all things have a soul and meaning because of their animist spirituality.This belief is a source of their respect for all of their life. Our ancestors believed that the trees, plants, mountains, falls or even the sun and the moon has a life. They do prayed because for them everything have a spirit. And all of these were part of their indigenous mind and worldview of our ancestors.Me in myself also believe that "THE WORLD IS FULL OF LIFE BECAUSE EVERYTHING EXIST AND WAS CREATED FOR A REASON...."

Argelyn Lacurte Benlot said...

2.)the ancient Filipinos people, we believe of more on their gods, diwatas, anitos and etc..mostly in our citizen traditions and we were gain forward to influenced on their past belief and bringing in our present generation..

myths: the shinning stars
legend:the story of banana tree
folktales:bi ag ni lam ang

Argelyn Lacurte Benlot said...

3.)the significant of fable in the Philippines folklore are to insight of our Philippine literature with a good value..

example: the ants and the grasshopper

teffany said...

2.If I am to rate how much the ancient polytheistic beliefs and animism had influence on present day Filipinos' religious beliefs and practices, it would be 80-90%.For me, many religions now a days are showing the legacy left by our past ancestors.Not really to degrade them but in real observation they really showed traditional practices which is not really taught by God in the book of truth.
example of myth: "Wakantanka, the Breath Giver"
example of folktales: "the creation story"

Anonymous said...

1.Folklore is usually trans mined by word of mouth oral tradition are very common among the indigenous tribes still existent in the Philippines.

2.Myths - are a bit different because they not only can be about people but also non-living things.
Legends - some believe are stories that have to be at lest 20 years old more recent and are based on a real individual that can be proved to have once lived.
Folktales - the tagalog for folktales is kuwengtong bayan for ex. *The Legend of Mount kanlaon
*Ang Aso at Ang Uwak
*The Spider And The Fly
3.Floklore - casuists of legend,music,oral history,proverbs,jokes,popular beliefs,fairy tales and customs that are the tradition of that culture subculture,or group.

jordan said...

1: philippine folklore is refers to the traditional oral literature of the Filipinos. Thus scope of the field covers the ancient folk literature of the Philippines various ethnic groups, as well as various pieces of folklore that have evolved since the Philippines became a single ethno-political unit.

teffany said...

3.The significance of fables in Philippine folklore is that it gives moral lessons and positive attitudes that an individual must possess in a way of not finger pointing directly a person for they made animal characters.Its nice I think that one could realize his/her mistakes through the works or role of the animals being described in the story.It would bring self realization to the reader as a tagalog sayings goes"bato-bato sa langit ang tamaan ay wag magalit"

example of fables: "the ant and the grass hopper" "the turtle and the monkey"

Emelyn Carcuevas said...

2. In today's world of modernization I can still say that the ancient polytheistic beliefs has still a big input for today's generation since other people especially in the province still believed in superstitious belief which they really follow. People intend to follow it because of the old people past experiences. One of the example of superstitious belief was that ( SWEEPING ON THE NIGHT IS NOT ADVISABLE BECAUSE THE LUCK OR THE BLESSINGS WILL GO AWAY ) as what my grandparent said. Through the religious beliefs and practices of the Filipino the ancients polytheistic has still worked today. Actually some places in the Philippines has an ethnic group that still believe in those Gods/ Goddesses like the igorots they were doing a rituals as a sign of their worship of their Gods and other may offer a foods as a return for their blessings received. All these beliefs were being keep our minds since it was part of the Filipino beliefs, culture and customs and most of all being a true Filipino.
Example of Legend: " SI MALAKAS AT SI MAGANDA "

Anonymous said...

1. actually Philippines folklore are very capable to Filipinos in terms of their traditions and culture.filipinos love their country so that they usually believe in superstitious beliefs..but now god is their power and strenght....

example: the anting-anting of manuelito.

2.the ifluence of this belief maybe depends on the person who believes in animism and gods and godesses. but most of the the filipinos are very religious and believe in one god.the polytheistic beliefs and animism could not totally influence the filipinos even if they are still exist today because of their culture,traditions,faith and practices of filipinos are very quite different from those beliefs.

example: the light of a fire

3.the significance of fables in the philippines is that the youngster or the new generation can learn moral values and they could learn the values of life it also help them to be a better person from the existence of this fables.,
example : the crow and the pitcher

victoreno leprozo jr. said...

1.actually Philippines folklore are very capable to Filipinos in terms of their traditions and culture.filipinos love their country so that they usually believe in superstitious beliefs..but now god is their power and strenght....

example: the anting-anting of manuelito.

2.the ifluence of this belief maybe depends on the person who believes in animism and gods and godesses. but most of the the filipinos are very religious and believe in one god.the polytheistic beliefs and animism could not totally influence the filipinos even if they are still exist today because of their culture,traditions,faith and practices of filipinos are very quite different from those beliefs.

example: the light of a fire

3.the significance of fables in the philippines is that the youngster or the new generation can learn moral values and they could learn the values of life it also help them to be a better person from the existence of this fables.,
example : the crow and the pitcher

August 7, 2011 9:34 AM

Emelyn Carcuevas said...

3. The significance of fables in the Philippine folklore is not only for asking an appreciation and give entertainment but for the readers to understand and gain moral lesson.It was created not only for fun but for a purpose through the hidden moral lesson of it. Though it was acted by an animals, plants, inanimate objects,etc but the lesson implies still there.It will be impart a meaning of life. Through the moral lesson from the story some readers can relate base on their own experiences and change the thing that made them to worst into a good one. Fables is not only good for the children but also for the adults itself.This is for everyone!
Example of Fables: " THE UGLY DUCKLING "

gretchel Mae Salvado said...

1.In a general sense, what does Philippine folklore say about how ancient Filipinos viewed the world .
insist on having a separate category and moral lessons .Sometimes scattered about though most of the time, stories in this area had been created and are handed down for the sole purpose of having fun.

eq."the creation and how the world was made"

madonna garcia said...

Hello miss Criselda,i forgot my ex.in the 3 question to write... here is my ex.The Rabbit and the Tiger

gretchel Mae Salvado said...

2.How much influence, if at all, does the ancients’ polytheistic beliefs .

<Polytheistic beliefs still represents much of the world today. Except for the monotheistic (belief in one God) religions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, most of the world's religions are overwhelmingly polytheistic.


marites naz said...

1. Philippine Folklore viewed the ancient Filipinos as a religious one.In a sense that ancient Filipinos worship in different things as well as nature in which they thought has a spirit who occupied. They gave value as their part of their beliefs,customs and traditions in every god/goddesses they believe that will grant their prayers.
Example: The Boy Who Become A Stone

gretchel Mae Salvado said...

3. Discuss the significance of fables in Philippine folklore. Cite examples.


fables represent certain situations and behaviors, which function as instructional metaphors leading up to the moral situations it also has a dramatic plots, clear construction, and striking dialogue leading to a general moral that can easily be summarized in proverbial form. Fables are above all a didactic genre.



marites naz said...

no.1.example: "Yesterdays Success, Today's Wealth"
2. Our great ancestors had a big part of how we live up to this present.We still carry the practices and beliefs they used from their past life as our respected traditions.From their influence too, we still believe spirits that we prayed and god/goddesses we worship.Keeping this as a respect and trying to live with our forefathers beliefs in a sense of generation by generation.
Myth:"The Story of the Land
Of The Dead"
Legend: "The Sword In The Stone"
Folktales: "The Mistaken Gifts"

marites naz said...

3.The significance of fables in Philippine folklore is to indicate the good values of a person that was portrayed by different animal characters. This will catch the attention of the readers most especially to the kids in order for them to read more and know the lessons being emphasized in the story.
Examples: "The Lion And The Mouse"
"The Traveler And His Dog"
"The Wolf And The Goat"


1.The Philippine folklore says that ancient Filipinos viewed the world through the scintillation of their eyes and to what it had seen.They were unto what they have seen and then believe,same as the saying "To see is to believe".Some of our ancient Filipinos believe on amulets and to ghost also.

davidezra said...

sorry for being late in giving my answer because theirs a brownout in our place. And that time I was arrested by the barangay tanod.>.<
1.Generally speaking,Philippine folklore is very religious in character.Filipinos view the world with polytheistic beliefs. That is why there are so many "anitos" and "anitas" in different places.For Example,the belief in anitos of the sea, of the trees, of the cave, of the land and many more.

davidezra said...

sorry for being late in giving my answer because theirs a brownout in our place. And that time I was arrested by the barangay tanod.>.<
1.Generally speaking,Philippine folklore is very religious in character.Filipinos view the world with polytheistic beliefs. That is why there are so many "anitos" and "anitas" in different places.For Example,the belief in anitos of the sea, of the trees, of the cave, of the land and many more.

davidezra said...

2. Present day Filipinos are still very much influenced with there ancient beliefs. For instance you can still hear the word "Tabi" in respect or forewarning the "spirit" or "anito" that might be disturbed or affected with an activity. Cebuano terms such as "dili ingon nato" with these beliefs in polytheism, the Spanish Priest before countered for every anitos with corresponding "Saints". Hence it is only in the Philippines that so many saints exist.

Lucilyn cantila said...

1.The philippine folklore say about how ancient world by showing their tradition,beliefs & practices.In short,they have their own culture.Folklore is usually transmitted by word of mouth.Oral traditions are very common among the indigenous tribes still existent in the philippines.What students of folk literature do,basically is transcribe & interpret what is related to them by the story tellers of a tribe.

2.The philippine literature had evolved much before colonization.It is full oflegends & tales of colonical legacy.It developed much later than in most other countries.They are predominantly a reflection of the influence of the spaniards on the indigenous culture & traditions.They used knives for inscribing the ancient Tagalog script.The folktales & epics were in time put into written word along with poem & chants that were the legacies of the ethnolinguistic groups.
MYTH:The battle of Ragnarok.
LEGEND:The legend of mt.Mayon
FOLKTALE:The adventures of Tom Sawyer
EPIC:Biag ni Lam-Ang

3.We all know that fables are short stories written by people to deliver a message.It is a story about animals that ends w/ a lesson.A short tale used to teach a moral often w/ animals as characters.The fable is one of the most enduring forms of folk literature.
The content of this story is the way to escape from an enemy.The moral lessons that we can get is to be a simple & workable approach is preferred than a complicated one.

crystal trazona said...

1.A country`s past history dictates its culture and tradition. Philippine Folklore helping us to see the nature of the goodness of our oral literature.The ancient Filipinos are more concerned with looking forward as the rest of the world hastens toward a technological future. But if we were never meant to look back why does the ancient (Whoever does not look back at a starting point will not arrive at a destination.

2.The ancients polytheistic beliefs influence very much, multitudes of Gods might have seemed to be the obvious way to explain the mysteries of nature but it is not easy for priest to convince people to cooperate when their beliefs are based upon myths about Gods behaving badly towards each other. And when different cities honor different Gods, people just have one or more excuse to kill each other.

As the centuries passed, addition were made to the scriptures to reinforce the better aspect of the religion. When less enlightened laws and values become enstruched in religious scripture, they become very difficult to change without abandoning the whole tradition.

Example of Myths:How the World was Made.
Example of Legend: Mt.Mayon
Example of Folktales:The Misery old Woman

3.Fables are made to stand for certain traits of the human race and to teach the ways of the world through vivid characterization and lively interaction.

Fables are important because they teach valuable lessons about life, explained in humorous yet interesting way. It teach people specifically children the difference between right and wrong.

Example of Fables:The Lion And The Mouse
The Wolf And The Lamb

maria lourdes(malou) said...

Filipino's ancestor's during Pre-Spanish period showed thier customs and tradition. The Philippine literature nowadays recall how our ancestor's gave importance Literature on the period which our country is quite and non of the foriegner's surjourn us .They showed how Filipino people talented is.They proved by themselves that we had our own talent without even any people to teach us in order to exist our talent.

The Philippine mythology and Folklore,is characterized during pre-spanish period by LEGENDS,FOLKTALES,EPIC,FOLKSONG,EPIGRAMS,RIDDLES,CHANT,PROVERBS and SAYINGS.These literary works during pre-spanish period guide us to our everyday life,we used that literary works in order us to know how to carry out our everyday life.It help us to enhanced our knowledge by reading,writing and understanding thier works.And we can apply thier works in our everyday's life and we can used it for having fun just like jokes. And by the PROVERBS it help us to enhanced ourselves through religious study. IN short literary works is part of our everyday's life.......

davidezra said...

3.Fables in Philippine folklore is very significant.Since fables generally tell about animals that are given attributes to human beings, the moral lesson is summed up at the end of the story. For example, famous Philippine fable is the tale "Ibong Adarna". The bird that sings beautifully and heals the turned out to be the old man whom the youngest helped in turn the bird gave grace to the deserving and helpful prince.

jeannesa sasil said...

1.Filipinos have always been awed by the fairy tales and epics from other lands, and most Filipinos have an inferiority complex about their own. There is no reason to be. The myths and legends of the Philippines are beautiful and rich as those of other lands, colored by the people who have come and influenced the land. The tales here are gathered to share the charm, depth and variety of what makes us Filipino.

eXamples :The Ant and the Grasshopper

jara_galanida said...

1. before the spaniards came here in the philippines, our ancestors had their own rich customs and tradition. it was showed that filipinos viewed the world! from our traditional beliefs to the legends and stories which our ancestors passes through word of mouth, generations to generations. for example: our filipino fables whom entertain and teaches us moral lesson in life. our traditional beliefs wether true or not but disciplines us, to do this or not to do that. by means that our rich heritage is a part of our lives.

2.believing in many gods/goddesses is one of highlights in our culture. filipinos used to praised mountains, trees, stones, rivers, air, fire etc. before by means that all living and unliving things are valued, it influences modern filipinos to take good care of what we have today.
"myths are one of the strongest disciplinary story before.
for example: mythical creatures that go out at night. it was made to scare and discouraged us in going late in the evening and "SORT OF" like now you cannot see people staying awake and going too late at night.

3.fables are fictious story, usually about animals, meant to teach a moral lesson. the importance of fables in our traditional beliefs are those lessons we can get in every stories not just by learning but also entertain our young minds.
example: .. THE CAT AND THE MICE

jeannesa sasil said...

2.Filipinos have a number of folk beliefs about life, family, luck, wealth, etc.. The Tagalog terms for folk beliefs and superstitions are: paniniwala (beliefs), kasabihan ng mga matatanda (what the old people say), and pamahiin (superstitions). The collection of folk beliefs on this page are written in Tagalog/Filipino, with appropriate translations in English. The primary source of this collection is Neni Sta. Romana-Cruz's Don't Take A Bath on a Friday: Philippine Superstitions and Folk Beliefs. Manila: Tahanan Books, 1996. Click on the contents link on the left to access the collection of Filipino folk beliefs.
Filipino's loves to go to church every Sunday with their family or friends. We as a Filipino also celebrates fiestas which is usually celebrated along with a feast of a Saint. Women, especially old ones used to pray Rosary.
For different location, they also have different religious practices. Like in Quiapo Manila, every year they celebrate Black Nazarene. They will start at Quiapo church then they'll parade it with numerous people who tries to hold to the rope which they said give a blessing.
ExAmpLe of Myths : little red ridding hood
example of legends : Mt.MAyon

jeannesa sasil said...

3.putting short fables into story time rituals can be a great way to teach important moral lessons while encouraging your child's love of reading. Short fables are considered a form of folk literature. They can be found in the literature of almost every country in the world, although some fables were passed down from generation to generation as part of oral tradition instead of appearing in written books.

what is a fable for you?.A fable is a short story, told in prose or verse that illustrates a moral lesson by giving human qualities to animals, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature. Fables are often confused with parables. However, a parable is a short story that features human characters only. Fairy tales can also serve as either fables or parables, depending upon the nature of the story.

;ExAMPLE of fable : An example of a fable is The Shepard's Boy and the Wolf.

it is important for us to learn or to teach about fables in a sense that we are able to learn about the other side of reading stories,,,.we are able to criticize real from fantasies,,,.

Aida Norelee Dimay said...

1.) ancient Filipinos show how they viewed the world by their beliefs and showing our traditions, eventhough the filipinos heavily westernized and christianized, they still believe in such entities, because the country has so may island and is inhabited by different ethnic groups

EXAMPLE : the beliefs in heaven (kaluwalhatian, kalangitan, kamurawayan), Hell (impiyerno, kasamaan), and the human soul (kaluluwa).

gregory ballena said...

1.Philippine Folklore our ancient Filipinos viewed the world by sharing their different words.The filipinos shows their own tradition & belief in god & they, are already adopted in old times. And it gives us inspiration to make us proud that our forefathers contributed a lot to make Filipinos will be also known in terms of our native culture . ^_^ 2.How much influence, if at all, does the ancients’ polytheistic beliefs . .`most of the the filipinos are very religious and believe in one god.which they praise through their beliefs and respect wht they have . Lots of places have their own gods or godiest. 3.Fables is a story that gives moral lesson we can get in every stories not just by learning but also entertain our young minds.

gregory ballena said...

1.Philippine Folklore our ancient Filipinos viewed the world by sharing their different words.The filipinos shows their own tradition & belief in god & they, are already adopted in old times. And it gives us inspiration to make us proud that our forefathers contributed a lot to make Filipinos will be also known in terms of our native culture . ^_^ 2.How much influence, if at all, does the ancients’ polytheistic beliefs . .`most of the the filipinos are very religious and believe in one god.which they praise through their beliefs and respect wht they have . Lots of places have their own gods or godiest. 3.Fables is a story that gives moral lesson we can get in every stories not just by learning but also entertain our young minds.

Camocamo Iris Rubin said...

2.polytheistic reconstructionism is not religion itself, but is the methology for re es tablishing a historical polytheistic (or pre-cristian) religion in the modern world. filipinos religious beliefs the ancient filipinos believed in the immortality of the soul and in life after death. their retuals were based on beliefs in a ranking deity they called BATHALANG MAYKAPAL and a host of other dieties, in the inviromental spirits, and in soul-spirits

Aida Norelee Dimay said...

2.) polytheism is the belief of multiple deities also usually assembled into a pantheon of Gods and Goddesses, with their own mythologies and rituals.
ancient polytheistic beliefs are still have in today's beliefs or in present-day Filipinos.
we never cant deny that until now, we still believe in myths and, legends, folktales and etc...


examples :
* how kangaroo got his tail
* why owls stare
* the red dragon

vera marie said...

in general sense the ancient Filipinos viewed the world in nmany ways like writing a stories of what they have experiences and seen in the past..
Example:The aswang,

Camocamo Iris Rubin said...

3. filipinos have always been awed the fairy tales and epics from other land, and most filipinos have an inferiority complex about their own, there is no reason to be the myths and legend of the Phil.are beutiful and rich as those of the other land colored by the people who have come and influenced the land. the tales have are gathered to share the charm, depth and variety of what make us filipino.

Aida Norelee Dimay said...

3.) fables was so significance in Philippine folklore, because eventhough fables are revolving an animal heroes we can still earn a moral lesson, good values and aside of giving it a moral lesson , stories could entertain us also in reading.

* the boastful turtle
* the grasshopper

irish duarte said...

1.Generally, ancient Filipinos viewed Philippines Folklore as their medium/way of preserving their historical beliefs, doings and anything that happened during their existence. They've been doing this to impart to us how important Philippine folklore to them. It may be said verbally or in written form, it is their way of telling us. It is also passed from generation that it is being part of Philippine literature. That is why literature most especially in Philippines , has the important value even nowadays.It is viewed as "Living with satisfaction makes the world worth living."
2.Ancient polytheistic beliefs and animism has big influence even in present days. People have made this beliefs and practices most especially during their daily lives.For it is being past from different mediums such as in form of literary works that were being preserve by our ancestors.Such as:"ilog pasig"..
3.Fables has great significance most especially in Philippine folklore. It is to boost the curiosity and interest of the readers most especially children. It signifies the creative and artistic way of giving implications in a story. But it is not really in a forceful manner as their means of providing such story. It also signifies on how Filipinos give value to their mother nature most especially when it comes to plants and animals. example:"Hermie the frog."

nicolette said...

1.Filipinos viewed the world by showing their rich traditions and customs though they are lack of knowledge by means that if they only have reached the level of exploring things which the spaniards does they may create a good outcome in our history of traditions.

vera marie said...

2.Polytheism is a beliefs of Gods and Goddesses while the aminimism is a beleifs of supernatural beings... When we talk about how they influence us, as new generation some young people beleive while others think that it is just a thing in the past.
Legends:Robin Hood, King Arthur, D'Artagnan,
Folktales:Cinderella. C. Perrault (retold by A. Ehlrich)
Coyote Places the Stars. H. Taylor
3.As long as I can remember, PHILIPPINE fairy tales have been stories of bravery, strategy, the family, leadership and LOVE.
Example:Gawigawen of Adasen
The Story of Gaygayoma Who Lives up Above
The Story of Dumalawi
The Story of Kanag
The Story of Tikgi
The Story of Sayen
The Sun and the Moon
How the Tinguian Learned to Plant
The Tree with the Aga

April Mary Rose Lepiten said...

2.they had such a deep influence on all ancient polytheistic to us and Our ancestors believed that all things have a soul and meaning because of their animist spirituality. Animists believe that trees (and things you make from trees such as bangka(boat), houses, chair), stones, weapons, plants, animals, and people (no matter their color, race, religion or technological advancement), Earth, stars, moon, sun...example bathala(myth),alamat ng sibuyas(legend)

cherry ann enot said...

(1). The Philippines folklore says that in every tradition that the ancient Filipinos viewed in the world is how we preserve our culture and traditions and how we give value and importance on it.And it is much better if we apply it in our daily lives.

Juvelyn V. Estillore said...

1. The philippines folklore says how ancient filipino viewed the world through the traditional belief, custom , legend of the people.

Juvelyn V. Estillore said...

2 We were influence of many tradition and belief around us! Belief that sometimes we still believe and used in everyday lives. and the ancient people belief in many god and goddess because they believe in every living and non living things create and own by god and goddess.
But now we must know how to pray to believe to our god.
Example of folktales : BAKUNAWA
Example of the legend : LEGENDS OF THE BANANA

Juvelyn V. Estillore said...

2 We were influence of many tradition and belief around us! Belief that sometimes we still believe and used in everyday lives. and the ancient people belief in many god and goddess because they believe in every living and non living things create and own by god and goddess.
But now we must know how to pray to believe to our god.
Example of folktales : BAKUNAWA
Example of the legend : LEGENDS OF THE BANANA

Juvelyn V. Estillore said...

3. Fables is a kind of differnt literature to dignified in apperance and manner.

leonora seguerra said...

1.As the brains of our ancestors evolved to become larger, they developed the potential to stretch their imaginations to encompass a much wider and more detailed picture of the world. Speech allowed them to share their perceptions with theirs. Rather than having to develop their own view of the world through experience and guess work, children simply listened and absorbed the understanding of their family or tribe..
Example: "The world as full of wonders"

2. In prehistoric times, simple dreamlike explanations of life and death, and practical rules and values about right and wrong were passed down through countless generations by word of mouth. They were embedded in the common tribal culture in the form of language, laws, myths, legends, and ritual songs and dances.
With the appearance of farming villages and the subsequent rise in population, and with the settlement of cities and the building of empires, there was an increased need for palaces and temples to establish laws, beliefs, and values which promoted greater cooperation between people from different regions, who sometimes spoke different languages, and who were no longer connected by a common bond of familiarity.
Example:legend: "the legend of chocolate hills in bohol"
Example:myths: "why do chikens have crown"
Example:folktales:"the creation'

3.A fictional narrative meant to teach a moral lesson.The fables are remarkably simple in expression but convey appealingly the deeper truth of human life and character leaving a lasting impression upon the readers and listeners alike. although some of the stories are as old as our civilization, they are as relevant toady as they were thousands of years ago. Many perhaps do not know that same of the best remembered and well known saying like "self help is the best help" or " much are about nothing"
Examples: "A donkey and A foolish wolf"

evarista bastatas said...

1. The ancient Filipino viewed Philippine Folklore as their way of preserving their doings in a written or verbally said. (Example)"The World upon us has full of dreams"

2. Those with more enlightened principles were anticipating a revolution of the spiritual kind. Christian ideas were not new, but they were given a new voice in the character of Jesus Christ, who became the mythical embodiment of everything that centuries of moral philosophy had embraced as righteous and holy. God was said to have appeared in the flesh to teach us right from wrong and to mark the beginning of a new age of peace and love. (Example) Ang Alamat ng Sampaguita.

3.The significance of Fables teaches us a moral lesson that is being portrayed by the animals and give importance to the nature. (Example) The greedy ant.

sabina ravanes said...

The Philippine folklore says that,the ancient Filipino viewed our tradition,specially the superstitious beliefs like during eclipse,the pregnant woman they are not allowed to stay outside.

sabina ravanes said...

the ancient polytheistic beliefs, we are Filipinos people are believing of anitos ,god or godesses and etc..then,now bringing of what we had learned.

myth:how the was made
legend:the story of maria makiling
folktales:the ugly duckling

sabina ravanes said...

The significance of fable in Philippines folklore is that,even if it is the story of an animal,it can relate to the people because in the end their is a moral lesson that we learn.

example: The ant and the grasshopper

Michael said...

1.ancient filipinos have different imaginations of how the world was created,, they have different
stories and theories. these were expressed by their feelings and different aspect in their lives also their different
experiences. But people still asking the same question starting a long time ago, "How?"

2.we cant deny our ancestor of it because they have already taken this tradition of worshipping their
gods and goddesses,even today just like the mountain tribes in every province. sometimes i was thinking
about the "the legend of the mango", that where, how and why the mango is sweet.

3. fables give us importance to become human. it not just used in literature but also useful in
our daily lives. it gives us knowledge and entertainment that delivers good values and
lessons to individual especially to the children that will guide them everyday.

leahlou said...

the literature of Philippines has a very long story and it has a great experience and history before it come up to our present time now,many contributions,changes,happenings,struggles and sacrifices before it was implemented..the literature inspires us to love our own Filipino,culture because it has a very great history. we the new generation must prosper it and continue to patronize this literature,be a proud person for knowledge of the ancient people inspire the present generation now.

Lyndon Boldadora said...

1.In part of the Philippine folklore,ancient Filipinos viewed the world by their showering traditional customs and tradition. That has been molded within theirselves in a circle group of people and has been take apart of their everyday lives.Primitive people viewed the world as".....THE WORLD AS ROAD WITH MOON LIKE CRATERS...."

Lyndon Boldadora said...

2. Past years ago, the spirit of ancient people beliefs,gives way to influence as now a days with their delightful beliefs and traditions especially in religious field.Before it was started by praising someone as their god and goddess like our dear Diwatas, Anitos,and many more.They took also praising in nature like hard big stone, harmonious mountain, colorful rice field and pure river.
Example of Myths: " CREATIONS "
Example of Legend: " FIREFLIES "

Lyndon Boldadora said...

3.Fables in Philippine folklore plays an important role for us,Filipinos.These help us to remind how indespensale the literature is in Philippines.We know the mere fact, that this was part of our daily lives.Through fables, we used to reminisce and comprehend everything about that surrounds in our own country.And through fables we can gain moral lessons that we use to apply it in our everyday living to respond to others righteously.

angellebenavente said...

Really ancient Filipino is quite different from the concept of other country where they have a lot of beliefs that their is a good Samaritans that we somehow can't believe the story as if it is just a story telling for the kids to amaze but the essence of being Filipino could really viewed with their beliefs somehow.

Johannah Pacinio said...

3.The fables of philippine folk, is part in our life because, we know the creation of our history to be a great @ part in historical vision in our humankind.so we must give them important to our self.That has been apart in our spiritual self in daily life...

angellebenavente said...

2.Ancient's Polytheistic beliefs gives an very influence in our present time because many Filipino was give some idea or something information what saying goes on that's why were adapt the story of our ancestor.They adapt what the story happen and after all Filipino was practices the beliefs that happen in those few years.

Ricky Bilagantol said...

1.) The Philippine folklore say how ancient Filipino viewed the world through there belief and tradition.

2.)Base on Philippine Literature folklore our uncestors give us some their belief. Before, the ancient people the believe that the god and goddesses was made of living and non-living things.


3.)Fables its consists action and consequences that can apply lesson that we need in field of stories like ficton.

ex. Monkey Trouble

angellebenavente said...

3.Folklore is usually transmitted by word of mouth. Oral traditions are very common among the indigenous tribes still existent in the Philippines. What students of folk literature do, basically, is transcribe and interpret what is related to them by the storytellers of a tribe. The preservation of the knowledge of our elders can be carried out in many ways, and they are not inaccessible to anyone who would seek them.
Generally, fables are short narratives that revolve around particular moral lessons. Animals are the heroes in most fables. They are made to stand for certain traits of the human race, and to teach the ways of the world through vivid characterization and lively interaction.

Miraflor said...

The Fables of Philippine Folklore is our humankind, generation to generation in our historical manipulitors or part in our self.by the good manner @ respect them the cultural behavior.

clinton demape said...

1. The early Filipino had a great variety of legends, myhths, epics, folktales, etc.Thus ancient Filipinos illustrate nature into personification.. which can be shown on their respect to nature like "HOW THE WORLD WAS MADE"

clinton demape said...

2.In the Philippines, the record of the Spanish and the surviving indigenous traditions leave little doubt that the Filipinos had a belief in a Supreme Creator God.We believed in many things and we're just influenced by it by being inherited by our forefathers.
e.g. Myths Pandora, Athens and the creation of Archetype.
e.g. Legends of Mount Mayon
e.g. Folktales The Story of Kana

clinton demape said...

3. Fables of the Philippine Folklore is very significant to everyone. As we all know that fable is a fictional story that includes animals.It also signifies on how Filipinos give value to their mother nature most especially when it comes to plants and animals. example:"Hermie the frog."

jodelyn1 said...

3. A fable is a short literary composition that can give values and moral lesson.The best example of this is the " monkey and the turtle " the story gives us a lesson that we must not be lazy so that we can achieve our goals in life .

jessa pitogo alejos said...

1.)The Philippines folklore says about how ancient Filipinos viewed the world show,our ancient Filipino people viewed the world according to their own different imaginations only and they try to stand unto their beliefs to be true.A matter that is so opposing to what the true, one God- when Christianity came into our country- had said in His scriptures. In fact there are lots of traditions or rituals that were find wrong for its stated to be the work of evil, but they never realized it. The tales here are gathered to share the charm, depth and variety of what makes us Filipino.

2.)Our ancient polytheistic influence our present day because until now their acts is still existing.

ex. legends:a pineapple
myths: the unfinding hope
folktales: paru-parung bukid

3.)the significant of fables of phill.lit. It talks about friendship and trust, Its story often about the animals that point out some aspects of the human behavior and has moral attached.

ex. the cat and the rat....

jorge said...

the Phillipe folklore,say's about how ancient Filipino's viewed the world.by world or our nation it shows that have been recycle the group of people to control of their place.this is one of means through which people expressed the inner quality and strength of their culture as"

ex:the shinning moon

delfin said...

1.Philippine folklore, say's about how ancient Filipino's viewed the world.Ancient Filipino's the civilization which in many ways has never been surpassed in the world of what they accomplished in art little remains,and we are not even sure that what we have is the best.But what remains has amuse the admiration and astonishment of the world.There is no sculpture comparable to others;there are no buildings more beautiful and more admirable than those they built;the world has produced no epic poet to compare with homer.


Aldrin N.Felecio said...

1.our ancient Filipinos believe in god and goddesses because of the tradition they woke up.And they adopted in our everyday experience.

Example: The Creation....

2.The religions has a great influenced on the present day because now a days their are still people who believe in gods , natures and animals...

example of legend: the legend of mango

3.the fable teach as a moral lesson even if the character are just animals..

example:the ant and grasshopper

This fable is talk about the effort of the person how to leave in this world....

dongque,gervacio said...

WE Filipinos, especially to our great great grand parents is very creative and imaginative mind and the product of this are the fables, legends ,myths,and fairy tales etc.And we can't hide it, that we still belief this superstitious beliefs as part of our daily life.Every part of the Philippines has their own beliefs ,stories,traditions that their still practicing until now .Some of their beliefs are basing on the real world Example :A WONDERFUL WORLD

jorge said...

2.)the ancients' polytheistic beliefs.this is the legend story of our tradition.their minds as well as the efforts of our origin.this is the beat around the bush gain forward to influence their past beliefs and bringing it out in our present generation.ex.of myths:the shinning star.

jorge said...

3.]the significant of fable of the philippine folklore.is accompanying its action of concequences. it talk about friendship and trust.it may be the fictional story but it has agreat purpose why is it made and publish.folklore,is usually transmitted of word of mouth.the preservation of the knowlege of our elders can be carried out in many times.ex:the lion and tiger

delfin said...

2.It really had a great influence to us cause base on my knowledge mostly ancient Filipinos beliefs in many goddesses like the theory of animism this theory beliefs on Anita like Allah of Buddhism.We follow this beliefs until now because of our beliefs on the past civilization and by now a day's it shown by praying into the churches,facing to the statua of our forefather that we think that it is a powerful of all the living and the dead,we think that it is a creator of the world and some of people in this world ignore about this because they didn't believe about this.


Raymond Funesto said...

3.Fables are remarkably simply in expression, but convey appealingly
the deeper truths of human life and character.Fables are so amazing because when we finish reading the
story we think about it by using our imagination, we are thinking about the moral lesson about the story .
Its so cool even though they are animals they can give us moral lessons . lol

Raymond Funesto said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
delfin said...

3.The significance of the fables in the Philippine folklore is that we can learn many things which it cannot be found in the poetry or drama.We can differentiate it accordingly cause it's deal in different story and even if an animals acted on this,we can get more knowledge about this and a good values that help us to develop our morality....on how to be a good model to everyone so that we can appreciate our self and other people can appreciate......

Examples:"monkey and a turtle"....
:"lion and the mouse"

Raymond Funesto said...

3. i forgot my fables example sorry
The sniffing Dogs .

Zyde Allego said...

1. Philippine folkfore says how ancient Filipinos viewed the world by their beliefs and tradition that boost up to sight the world of reality.
EXAMPLE: The Famous "The Creation"

2. On our present time, ancients’ polytheistic beliefs have a big influenced in our religion. Because now a days their are still people who believe in gods,natures and animals.
EXAMPLE: "The Legend of Pineapple"

3. The Fables reflect on our lives and give moral values.
EXAMPLE: "The Monkey and The Turtle".

Raymond Funesto said...

1.For me, In general sense filipinos view the worlds by there own imagination by there own beliefs , because in past time our ancients filipinos have there own traditio, they had there
own world its awesome .. ex. The world as a mysteriuos paraise

Sarah Mae Ruiz said...

1.People in greece believes in goddesses like anthena the daughter of zeus ( GOD OF ALL GODS ) It influence us people until today, because of what our forefathers been told us. EX: THE LIFE OF OUR SAVIOR,WHAT THINGS DID HE DO TO SAVE OUR LIVES FROM OUR SINS.
2.Philippine folklore viewed the world us a historical, because of the stories that our forefathers told us. Our world has full of mysteries that other people or scientist cannot explain.EX; MYSTERIES ( THE FOLK STORIES THAT WAS SHARED TO US BY OUR GRANDPARENTS.)
3.FOLKLORE- is a knowledge of the creative workings of the mind of its folk.EX:( TRADITIONS OF PEOPLE )
FABLE- is a brief tale having a moral.EX:( STORY: ANG PAGONG AT ANG MATSING)

robel medalla said...

1.Ancient Filipinos viewed the world as unending source of life.They viewed that this world is the place of dead and life.ex.the story of creation.
2.the ancient belief as of now are still preserve cause until of now we still believe the many GOD'S or saint we still celebrate or still believing the powers of an ancient power of the GOD EX.the excavation/sta.crusan
3.Philippines Fables has many different meaning of us but have only one point to gave us moral lesson a moral value of life.ex the rabbit and the turtle,the monkey and the turtle

franz cañares said...

1.) They viewed the different uniqueness of every little thing from the world we lived in....THE WORLD IS WORTHY TO LIFE..

franz cañares said...

2.) A lot of influences from it. Because until this time, many people do still believe from those beliefs. They may take some advantages to afraid little kiddo.

Michael John Gascon (jtan) said...

Michael John Gascon BSMx 1-2

1.) In accordance to the Philippine folklore on how ancient Filipinos view the world, they viewed it as a world created by gods and godesses. Its pretty funny to think that there were no writings about the early filipinos who viewed the world as what the famous theories proposed (e.g. Big Bang Theory) so this literally means that knowledge is less during those times and folklores were basis on their belief. Folklores played an important part during those times and affects the daily living on ancient filipinos like they have to offer something to a certain god. so everything they do is in accordance to folklores.

How the First Head Was Taken by the igorot tribe.

2.) If the belief will be based in this modern time, influence of Philippine folklores on our religious belief and practices is literally fading. For me, believing on someone or something means losing trust to yourself. The man's mind is the greatest instrument that God has created, for the human mind is capable of doing anything. Back to the question, i agree that folklores struck a great influence during early times on Filipino's belief because Filipino's are God-Fearing kind of people. we are afraid to go againts the rules set or said by certain books (e.g Bible) for each action has each consequence based on the bible. Faithful and God-fearing. The Bible has a great influence on Filipino's belief and practices.

Example: Roman Bible

3.) Fables played a great part on Filipinos. You cant describe Philippines without stating fables, for fables are very famous among us. Fables in Philippine folklore has its great significance. For fables were short stories which gives moral values. Most fables were unveiled to children so that it'll impart moral values to them, teaches them as they grow up and to be wise. In my observation, morals of fables is the same as the morals of the bible.

Example: Si Langgam at si Tipaklong

anthony e. bacalso said...

1.Religion has a big influence to the people especially to us filipinos, Because of our faith to god. EX:( OUR FOREFATHERS TOLD US ABOUT THE POWER OF THE ALMIGTHY GOD. )
2.Philippine folklore , is a knowledge of the creative workings of mind;and its a oral literature of the people usually found among the masses. EX: HISTORICAL ( BECAUSE OF THE PEOPLE WHO FIRST LIVED IN OUR WORLD.AND THE FOSSILS THAT BEING DISCOVERED )

franz cañares said...

3.) Fables- were we can get a moral lesson at the ending part. Which the used of the characters are the animals that attributes the humankind.

Janice Nicole Sesaldo said...

For me, Philippine folklore say that ancient Filipinos viewed the world that in our time ,many filipino's are still in belief of legends, myhths, epics, folktales, etc.They are more now on exploring and knowing behind on it.
And knowing more about this is like using a spyglasses such as the study of folklore seems more and more difficult.And if you study more about this,we can highly appreciate our ancestors who are still reviving the stories that we used to know.We can still remember what are the traditions because we are all now handed down by generation to generation.

Janice Nicole Sesaldo said...

im sorry if na pose ug blik miss wa na tarong ug post..
1.)For me, Philippine folklore say that ancient Filipinos viewed the world that in our time ,many filipino's are still in belief of legends, myhths, epics, folktales, etc.They are more now on exploring and knowing behind on it.
And knowing more about this is like using a spyglasses such as the study of folklore seems more and more difficult.And if you study more about this,we can highly appreciate our ancestors who are still reviving the stories that we used to know.We can still remember what are the traditions because we are all now handed down by generation to generation.

mary joy pedrano said...
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mary joy pedrano said...

1. In general sense, the Philippine folklore say that the ancient Filipinos viewed the world by understanding , appreciating and sharing another cultures. And our forefathers showed their traditions , beliefs and practices.
EX. The creation and how the world was made.

3. Fables are important because even its a fiction story we can still learn moral lesson from it, not just by learning but also motivating our young mind.
EX. The lion and the mouse

Raymond Funesto said...

2. For me in our generations ,filipinos ave there own beliefs ,or in our traditions ,we have different traditions in every places in the world and own beliefs , in past they have there own diferent gods and ,even though we have our own beliefs as long as we believe in everything just go for it
believe what you believe .hehe
ex. myths;the moon festival
legend: the legend of mango
folktales;How do the goat got his tail

Janice Nicole Sesaldo said...

2.)Yes, we are now more on praising and listening to our ForeFathers about the Greek God's. Peole gave us more reasons how to praise and love our Gods and eventhough we have our different beliefs of Gods who are now presenting in every way of manner.We should always take note and dont forget that everything in this world is only made by Him!.
ex. of Myth:Midas touch
ex. of Legend:THE STORY OF THE SUN

nikita queshiel said...

1.The Philippine folklore say about how ancient filipinos viewed the world it is because some filipinos even though heavily vertinized and christianized, still believe in such entities.Because the country has many islands and is inhabited by different ethnic groups.

2. The significance of fables in Philippine folklore also had thier own alphabet which was different from that brougth b the spaniards. And thier were also metrical accounts of native filipino Gods and thier deeds, songs and verses filled early religious practices, to express devotion to atone for sins, to minister to the sick and to bury the dead.

3.I choose myths ''How the world was made'' to be example because this is the ancient Filipino account creation.Thousand of years ago there was no land nor sun, nor moon, nor stars and the world was only a great sea of water, above which stretched the sky. This is the influence that polytheistic beliefs and animism have on present day Filipino religious beliefs and practices.

Janice Nicole Sesaldo said...

3.)The significance of fables tell the importance and purpose of the story. This part tells how the story would be beneficial to society and specific person.Like kids and teenagers like us are also telled stories like this. It can be take as a lection and have a good moral lesson from it.
ex.The Mouse, the Frog, and the Hawk

Raymond Funesto said...

3. Fables in Philippine folkore are important because in these stories, people can get life lessons. It is fun to read these stories, it can entertain a lot, but at the same time it can teach as morale. An example of this is the fable written by our very own national hero Jose Rizal, "Si Pagong at si Matsing" ( The turtle and the monkey). Maybe all of you know this story.( In case you don't, please see http://tl.answers.com/Q/Ano_ang_kwento_ng_pagong_at_matsing_ni_Jose_Rizal). A person who is greedy and doesn't think will never win. It pays to do right, and the righteous are rewarded in the end.

Linda A. Dela Victoria said...

1.)since the beginning our forefathers believe a lot of Goddesses,until now some people still believe them.like,in our province,they do a ritual called "BAYLAN" and the person who do the ritual called "babaylan".during there ritual they offered a food.that has been molded within their selves and in their daily lives.our ancestor viewed as.. "THE WORLD IS WITHIN OURSELVES AND GOD"

Linda A. Dela Victoria said...

2.) they influences a lot,since our ancestors believe that there is God in every little thing, they praise the nature as trees,water,land and a lot more.even though we in present generation we still believe of what is in our surroundings

Linda A. Dela Victoria said...

3.)The significance of fables is the story goes into a sense of humor but it has a lesson to everyone that will give the insights of good moral.although its just an animals talking through our minds but it is have amoral values

jeniffer said...

His stories were cleverly told,presenting human problems through the characters,a tradition that can be traced in the cultures of many different races.though they were first told so long ago,the stories are as relevant today as ever.Even now the character hang on to the moral lesson at the end of the story,must be a keen observer and it has been captured in his fables.We don't know if he write them down and no one know if he really invented all of them,but we do know that they have been popular ever since...
Ex.THE DOG and HIS REFLECTION.."It is very foolish to be greedy."
THE YOUNG CRAB and HIS MOTHER.."Do not tell others how to act unless you can set a good example.."

genesis revelation said...

1.In part of Philippine folklore.forefathers viewed the world as simple living site wherein ideas and thoughts explored by means of doing something might be unbelievable...time to time..their beliefs live and abide us....though from now on..we lived where technology reigns but still..their passion ,beliefs,live in our heart..

genesis revelation said...

1.as what history foretold,,thousands of years gone by,,,generation to generation,their beliefs had become a great influenced wherein people lived today may become a receiver of what the ancient times foretold,,this is just so happen maybe...it will never be forgotten,,,.am i right...

Joseph Dugho said...

1.Our Filipino ancestors describe the world through their beliefs, culture and tradition.And settled upon each generation.

Example: "Ibong Adarna"

jeniffer said...

I think GOD had a lot to do with it he saved this country for his true religion and was not going to let the BRITISH stop it.GOD who gave us life gave us liberty.And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firms basis,a connection in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the GIFT of GOD..?That they are not be violated but his wrath?Indeed,I tremble for my country when I reflect that GOD is just;that His Justice cannot sleep forever;that a revolution of the wheel of fortune a change of situation,is among possible events,that it may become probable by SUPERNATURAL influence;The ALMIGHTY has no attribute with can take side with us in that event,the most acceptable service we render to him is in doing good to his other children.The soul of man is immortal,and will be treated with justice in another life respecting it's conduct in this.These I take to be the fundamental points in all sound religion,and I regards them as you do in whatever sect I meet with them.."Here is my CREED"..I believe in one GOD,the Creator of Universe.That He governs it by his providence.That He ought to be worship......

genesis revelation said...

the significance of a good character that we can implies to a a being that designates the value of what he has..from animal or whatever kind of ..as long as the value and ethics...we get as our lessons... supposing that you are in a race where life has given,,...in a story of turtle and a rabbit..they competed,,but what the rabbit did was nothing but wasted the time by sleeping.

Joseph Dugho said...

2.Our ancestors believe that God monitors on them on their daily life .And they also believe that everything in the world is grace given to us by God .

Example: "The Wanderings of Dionysus"

genesis revelation said...

1.ex.world has a world itself
2.ex.legend of mountains
3.ex.turtle and a rabbit

genesis revelation said...

1.ex.world has a world itself
2.ex.legend of mountains
3.ex.turtle and a rabbit

Apas,Jepemarvin C. said...

3. Discuss the significance of fables in Philippine folklore. Cite examples. (10 pts.)

Fable is one of the example in Philippine folklore in which it tackles about the expressive and creative imagination of a writer in using animals as the main characters in the story. Fables it is not only an entertainment but also you can gain moral lessons, which you can apply into your daily lives.
Fables is also a popular in Philippine Culture it reminds us when we are young we here a lot of story like this like to our grandfather or grandmother they teach us how important are this things/story. and this fables in Philippine folklore it served us how imaginative and creative are the Filipino in terms of literary expressive way of expression……
For example:
When I was young i was amazed in the story titled Grimms fairy tale
It has a lot of story about this kind of imaginative story I can gain more lessons about this, and I love to watch it more than a times
EXAMPLES: GRIMMS FAIRY TALE (The Golden Bird) try to read its amazing!!!.....

Unknown said...

Philippine Folklore shows that ancient Filipinos really care more about history and cultures as well as their love in Mother Earth. They made stories about things existing in their era(at present,only few exist)to answer their curiosity. Through these stories, they were enable to express and share their ideas, beliefs and their different traditions.

Joseph Dugho said...

3.More enjoyable to listen to stories of animals that leads on the story.Also shown here that evil will not triumph,good always wins and the more you learn here.

Example: "The Fox and the Grapes"

Apas,Jepemarvin C. said...

The significance Fable is one of the example in Philippine folklore in which it tackles about the expressive and creative imagination of a writer in using animals as the main characters in the story. Fables it is not only an entertainment but also you can gain moral lessons, which you can apply into your daily lives.
Fables is also a popular in Philippine Culture it reminds us when we are young we here a lot of story like this like to our grandfather or grandmother they teach us how important are this things/story. and this fables in Philippine folklore it served us how imaginative and creative are the Filipino in terms of literary expressive way of expression……
For example:
When I was young i was amazed in the story titled Grimms fairy tale
It has a lot of story about this kind of imaginative story I can gain more lessons about this, and I love to watch it more than a times
EXAMPLES: GRIMMS FAIRY TALE (The Golden Bird, The Donkey, The Owl) try to read its amazing!!!.....

Richmond M. Booc said...

1.The Filipino ancestors in folklore says about that the world is full of mystery. Many theories but we as our self doesn't believe of it. But our forefather had pass to the generation what is or what was the beginning in a way of a traditions or in festivals.

2.Our forefathers believe more on their god and goddess as their Bathala,Anitos,Diwatas and etc. The religious practice they have a bad influence in the new generation like they are having “alays” for their almighty god. But there is still religious acts in the past that is a god influence. Like praising the moon and the sun and etc.!

Example for myth: Gladiator were all men
Example for Legends: Legends of mount mayon
Examples for folklore: Ang Buwan at araw

3.The significance of the fables in Phil. Folklore is to entertain the people.
The characters is more on animals and also in organic things and the values is there and you can get also a lessons of it.

Example is Ant's Story.

Richmond Booc BSGD 1-1 said...

1.The Filipino ancestors in folklore says about that the world is full of mystery. Many theories but we as our self doesn't believe of it. But our forefather had pass to the generation what is or what was the beginning in a way of a traditions or in festivals.

2.Our forefathers believe more on their god and goddess as their Bathala,Anitos,Diwatas and etc. The religious practice they have a bad influence in the new generation like they are having “alays” for their almighty god. But there is still religious acts in the past that is a good influence. Like praising the moon and the sun and etc.!

Example for myth: Gladiator were all men
Example for Legends: Legends of mount mayon
Examples for folklore: Ang Buwan at araw

3.The significance of the fables in Phil. Folklore is to entertain the people.
The characters is more on animals and also in organic things and the values is there and you can get also a lessons of it.

Example is Ant's Story.

mary joy mendoza said...

In general sense the Philippine folkroles say that Filipinos viewes , the Filipinos have always been awed by the fairy tales and epics from other lands, and most Filipinos have an inferiority complex about their own. There is no reason to be. The myths and legends of the Philippines are beautiful and rich as those of other lands, colored by the people who have come and influenced the land. The tales here are gathered to share the charm, depth and variety of what makes us.

ex: Harisaboqued and His Little Men

Apas,Jepemarvin C. said...

1. In a general sense, what does Philippine folklore say about how ancient Filipinos
viewed the world (i.e. the world below as opposed to the “skyworld”)? Give (an)
example/s. (10 pts.)

For me I can say that Philippine folklore is one of a kind and it is considered as a tradition among us Filipinos in ancient times it is view the world by t it sense’s and original description of a imaginative written word that which is spread through the used or mouth In old times they have a lots of god/goddesses they pray in animals and other non living things. Because they believe that this is their god. Our forefathers has its own way how to derived or to express their mysterious idea on us. And this is the time how our Philippine folklore is made and still existing and to form new version’s and chapters to a new beginning of new life and knowledgement.
The Creation
How the World was Made(Igorot).
How the Moon and the Stars Came to Be
Bukidnon (Mindanao)

Manilyn Bajenting said...

1.Philippine folklore has a very creative way to see the world before.
They praises different gods in all unique way that you will never see in other country. Ancient Filipinos think that everything has it purpose and made by purpose.Ancient Filipino even think that The water was the kingdom of the god Maguayan, and the sky was ruled by the great god Captan.


mary joy mendoza said...
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Manilyn Bajenting said...

2. Ancient Flipino has a great influence in modern filipino's nowadays. We enhirited the beliefs of our ancestors. Like praying in front of a statue of creature to one we believed, Before they praise with nature like field,river,sea, great mountains, big trees and old stone and etch.


Manilyn Bajenting said...

3. The Fables intended to show moral lessons and traditions as well. The story animals that took advantage on the weaker one and he got his lesson and punishment as well. It says that don't do unto others what you don't want others do unto you.


Miraflor said...

2.The Philippine is more on many historical memorable to us, because of their any establishment to do the religious activity.so the filipino residents will acknowledge to do the right things..

example: "the beautiful life"

Miraflor said...

3. The Fables of the Philippine, more on, How the person to bring it,like a good values in our humankind or our sorroundigs.By the use of our cultural we just develop our poverty or our society.

mary joy mendoza said...

2.It is a good influence to our ancients’ polytheistic, especially our forefathers really believe in GOD, but now a days in present days there are others do have there own GODS that they called “ALA” they also there own way of praising there GOD but evem if we do differ to them as Christian we are the same of believing praying for him…

Myths: the makahiya
Folktales: The lion’s share
Legends: the legend of mayon volcano

3.The fables in Philippine folklore is to entertain peploe and it is a succinct fictional story, in prose or verse, that features animals, mythical creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature which are anthropomorphized (given human qualities), and that illustrates a moral lesson (a "moral"), which may at the end be expressed explicitly in a pithy maxim.

Ex: fox and the grapes

Anonymous said...

In part of the Philippine folklore,our ancestor or ancient Filipinos showed as their different tradition and customs.It has been molded upon their work or beliefs in a group of people that shows their beliefs.

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